Chapter 16

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"Let's murder Nikolai, Jonny" Victoria suggested checking her twitter account.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you insane? He is my friend too." Jonathan replied back.

"Well. What do you suggest I should do? I am getting married in 2 months. God knows whatever the fucking reason is? If we kill the groom before that, the wedding will not happen." Victoria asked not keeping her eyes off her phone.

Jonathan sighed.

"Oh my sweet cousin. You can't do anything. Look. I am not in the mood right now okay?" Jonathan said taking a glance at his phone.

" She hasn't called you back eh?"
Victoria asked.

"Nope. She's not returning my calls either.Not since she left the restaurant after that whore said something to her. I wonder what did that whore did to her in the past? I would kill that bitch, the next time I see her. If I wouldn't have followed Eve that day, I would've found out the reason for her being upset from that whore."  Jonathan replied back angrily.

"Relax cuz. She just needs some time. She will be back." Victoria consoled Jonathan.

Victoria sighed heavily.

Wow my cousin sounds matured. Who would've thought?

"Listen. Give her some time. She will call you back when she is ready. It's not that easy for a girl to admit to her boyfriend that she was bullied in the school by a bitch. Right?"

"Right." Jonathan agreed.  But after a moment he realized what his cousin said.

"Wait!! what did you just say? She got bullied? How did you know?" Jonathan asked Victoria. He was eager to find out what has caused Eve to be so upset. And here his own cousin knows the reason for her being upset. He was angry.

"What? You didn't know? I though you knew" Victoria now was confused.  She thought her cousin already knows.

"Will you please elaborate ?"

She sighed and tossed off her cell phone on the couch.

"Remember her face in terror?"

He nodded leaning forward to listen to her closely.

"Well the look in her face indicated horror. As if she has met her biggest nightmare. And you said she used to go to public school. Bullying is very common in public school. I bet that girl we met in the restaurant used to bully her back in high school."

"Oh God!! my sweet Eve."

"Hey don't worry. Eve is a big girl. She will call you when she is ready. She was embarrassed a little at the restaurant after all. Give her some time. That's all."

After few minutes, Jonathan's cell rang.

Without looking at the screen he answered "Hello Eve".

" Eve? Who's Eve, son?" a familiar voice came from the other side.

"Dad? Why are you calling me?" Jonathan ignored his dad's question.

"I was gonna ask you and Vicky to come for your mom and I's anniversary which is gonna be tomorrow with a date. But since you already have a date I guess that's out of the list. Phew." Adam sighed in relief.

"What list?" Jonathan asked in curiously.

"Umm. To get you a date. And then invite you to our anniversary. But since you already have a date you can come? I can't wait to tell your mother and grandma that you got yourself a date."

"Wait dad. Hold up. I don't think Eve's gonna come."

"Why so Jonny?"

"Because dad she has not been returning my calls"

"Woah. A girl not returning the great Jonathan's call? That is epic"

Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"Now you sound like Sammy"

"Haha. Speaking of Sam. Invite him too."

"OK. And by the way how did you know about Vicky being here dad?"

" Son she is my niece and you're my son. Of course I know she is missing in Italy. Her mom is worried sick. And the only place she would be is with you "

"Yeah yeah. So classic dad."

Jonathan noticed there is someone on the other line.

"Umm dad. I would love to chitchat more but I think some one is on the other line."

"Okay son. I need to go too. See ya tomorrow."

Adam hung up. Jonathan answered the other line.


"Jonathan? It's Eve. Are you busy right now? "

"No. Absolutely not." Jonathan replied without thinking anything.

He continued..
"Look Eve. I know that Cassandra used to bully you in high school. There is no need to be embarrassed about"

"How did you find out? Who told you? Eve was surprised to know that he knew.

" Listen Eve. I am worried about you. We can talk all about this when we meet. Can you meet me? " Jonathan pleaded. He really wants to meet the sweet little doctor who he met at the hospital and at the restaurant.. He wants to talk endlessly with her. He wants to ask 'how is she? '. He wants to caress her skin and play with his hair while talking just like a sweet couple.

Woah easy there Jonny!!'like a sweet couple?'  Why on earth would that thought cross his mind? What's wrong with you?  A little voice inside his head nagged him.

"umm.. Sure. Where would you wanna meet?" Eve asked. He completely forgot that he was still in the call with her.

"How about I pick you up at 7 for dinner?" Jonathan asked hoping she would say yes crossing his fingers. A small habit that he and Vicky adopted while they were kids whenever they ask someone what they wanted.

Eve on the other line smiled to herself still confused about the fact how on earth he found out about her bully.
"Sure.. See you at 7"  Eve replied.

"Okay. 7 it is. " Jonathan was  smiling as of  he is flying over the moon. Which made Vicky shiver a little seeing her cousin smiling so widely.

"Sure" with that Eve hung up leaving Johnathan in a relief mood.

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