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Leo's Perspective
We sit on the couch in silence for a moment. "Can I ask what your triggers are? So I can avoid them?" I ask.

Casper sighs. "It's anxiety based. If I get too stressed or anxious, it's more common. Specific triggers include yelling at me or talking down to me. Making me feel like second best, or worthless. What about you?"

"I'll keep all that in mind. Anything that reminds me about my dad or life back home. Violence, emotional abuse, drugs. And I also disassociate. It's like this fog in the back of my head, and when it reaches my eyes, I'm gone. It's worse when I'm high, I can't be taken out of it until I'm sober."

"Mines like electricity. Starts in my fingertips, and it all goes bad when it reaches my chest. Disassociation and depersonalization. I choose when I'm in reality and when I'm not. It's taken a lot of therepy to decide to stay here. The self harm... It fights off the memories. Gives me something to focus on while also gives me a rush of adrenaline."

I nod at him. "Not too different from drug addiction."

Casper shakes his head. "Nope, not very different at all."

There's a knock at the door. I get up and go answer it. At the door is three people with orange eyes. The tall woman, who drips confidence off of her, gives me a once over. "Well that's new. Handsome too."

She pushes past me. The man and woman that arrived with her smile and wave. The man introduces himself. "I'm Ethan, this is Merida. The tall one is Chrissy."

I welcome them inside. Casper and Chrissy whisper and giggle in the corner. "So how long have you been here?" Ethan asks.

"Couple days."

"Nice! Welcome to the mansion. Glad you're here, Casper was getting lonely. How's it going so far?"

"Oh, um. We're very similar."

He and Merida nod. Merida speaks next. "We usually take Casper out on Sundays. Wanna come?"

"Where are you going?"

"A club. Blacklight. It's like 20 minutes away, lotta fun." Ethan responds.

Makes sense, looking at their outfits. But it's a club. Clubs for me means finding the shadiest looking guy and asking what he's got. That's not happening. "Eh, I think I'll stay behind. Get accustomed to living here."

Ethan and Merida nod. I look behind us and see Chrissy standing outside the bathroom. She giggles and says, "Let me see! C'mon!"

"Chrissy," Casper's voice comes through the bathroom door, "This is not happening."

"Believe in yourself a little bit! I bet my life you look fantastic!" She responds.

My ears perk up. Casper? In a clubbing outfit? Knowing how hot clubs get, he wouldn't be able to wear his usual big, thick layers. I wouldn't hate to see him in something tight.

"Casper!" Chrissy calls. "Let me in! Let me see!"

I hear the door unlock and Chrissy slides in. I hear squealing. "Yes! You look amazing! I get to keep my life."

I'm insanely curious. Casper talks again. "Chrissy, I don't know. I don't feel entirely...comfortable."

I hear whispering and eventually, Casper groans, "Fine. Deal."

The door opens and Chrissy walks out. She does jazz hands in the direction of the open door and says, "Now presenting...drumroll please... Casper!!!"

Casper walks out with a scowl on his face. I take a moment to take in the glory that is Casper. He wears a shiny black shirt with the top few buttons undone and tight black pants. Nothing too crazy, but it makes my heart go wild. I crave seeing his ass in these pants, but sadly, he's facing me. Chrissy starts ranting. "Think about it: we get some dangly earrings, a long chain necklace, some rings, fierce makeup! It's my most beautiful creation yet."

She dramatically wipes away a fake tear. Ethan whoops and Merida whistles. I just stare. Casper looks at me. "What do you think?"

"Great." I choke out.

He smirks. Chrissy grabs a pink bag from Merida and shuffles through it. I watch from the bed as she decks him out. By the end, he looks like a completely different person. He gains more confidence as Chrissy works and his friends compliment him. Before they walk out the door, Casper pulls me aside. "Do you really think I look good?"

I lean in and whisper, "Casper, if you don't leave soon, I'm gonna ruin that makeup."

He giggles and hugs me. I squeeze him and watch him leave with his friends. Right as the door closes I hear him yell over his shoulder, "I can feel you staring at my ass!"

I chuckle and shrug.

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