The Call

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Leo's Perspective
We see Henry turn and shout, "Get your asses on!"

A man yells back at him and Leah looks down offscreen, mostly likely to text someone. The first to join is Molly, who looks better than the last time I saw her. She gives a slight smile to us. I try to control my breathing. This would all be easier if I was high.

Percy and Cliff log on at the same time, and they look serious. Percy looks neutral, Cliff looks intimidating. My leg bounces, itching to get up and leave. Naima's last, and she gives a half smile.

Casper looks confused. "Henry, did you move back in? Why are you in Cali?"

Henry gives an exaggerated sigh and an even more exaggerated eye roll. "This is your interrogation, not mine. I may have done some stupid shit and I may have moved back in two days ago, whatever. Drop it. Jeez."

Casper scoffed. "I barely asked you a question, good lord."

"Stop." Cliff says in a monotone voice, shutting the brothers up.

He continues. "Zoom calls suck if everyone's talking over each other, so let's at least be civilized. Who wants to ask something first?"

Molly butts in immediately. "We can't go right into asking the boy everything, Cliff. Leo, how are you feeling today?"

I ignore the faint pulse of pain in my skull. "Not great, but this is important."

She smiles kindly. "Okay, well, are there any topics or questions we should avoid? Any triggers?"

I let out a breath. "No. I'm willing to answer everything you got. Just, try not to yell too much."

Henry spun around in his chair, and Naima tried to hide a small smile. Molly nodded. "Are you comfortable with us asking questions about the situation now?"

I nod, and try to ignore Henry being distracting. Cliff speaks. "Henry, stop. Who has a question they want to ask?"

Naima raised her hand a bit. Cliff nodded. "Naima."

She gave an awkward smile. "Do you mind telling us why you did it? Did someone trigger you or do you do that at every house?"

My forearms itch, my head hurts, and Casper let go of my hand to put his hand on my knee to make it stop bouncing. "Um, that was not common for me. I, uh... Percy asked me about my siblings, which I don't usually like to talk about. I was already nervous going in, was having a bad day mentally, and it was the straw that broke the camel's back."

They all processed the information before Leah asked, "How long have you been addicted?"

I thought back. 3rd grade is when mom left, started staying home as the alibi during 6th grade... "Eighth grade. I first got pills in eighth grade, so that would make it about 8 years?"

I scanned the screen for facial expressions. Naima, Leah, Henry, and Molly looked sad. Percy and Cliff looked surprised.

"When did you have them last?" Naima asked.

"When I stole them from Molly. That was the last time." I responded while thinking, Tomorrow will be the next time.

Casper looked at me, watching my body language and facial expressions. Directed at Casper, Cliff asked, "Is he telling the truth?"

I tried to give no reaction. Casper narrowed his eyes. "Yes, yes he is."

Cliff spoke with spite in his voice. "Casper, when do you think Leo is going to use again?"

Casper put his hand on my arm. "No one can predict that, Cliff."

Cliff crosses his arms. "So, not never. And do you plan on just apologizing to whoever he steals from next? What's your plan for next time?"

Casper's Perspective
Leo is getting more restless by the second. I put my hand back on his knee and rub with my thumb, in hopes he can tune in to the sensation and ground himself. I answer the question. "We will cross that bridge when we get there. Recovery isn't linear, and it would be unfair for me to expect it to be."

Cliff continues his stampede of accusing questions. "Is it fair for you to be here, now? It feels like you have to answer for Leo's issues."

I take a deep breath to calm down. "No more than Leo answers for mine. We take care of each other."

Cliff gets ready to ask another question, but Molly speaks quickly. "Why did you take them the first time? In eighth grade."

Leo looks sad as he answers. "I was anxious. Too anxious. My brother told me the pills would calm me down. And they did."

"Why were you anxious?" Percy asks, and I can see Leo get visibly uncomfortable as he tries to find an answer for the man he associates with his abusive older brother.

"Next question." I state.

Cliff grumbles something but Naima talks over him. "Are you sorry?"

Leo looks shocked for a moment. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry I stole, I'm sorry I got high, I'm sorry I ran, and I'm so sorry that Molly had to endure pain. I wasn't thinking, and I apologize."

They all nod. "What actions are you going to take to make sure this is less likely to happen again?" Leah asks.

I watch as the light drains from Leo's eyes. Ah shit. He doesn't think he can get better, which is why he ran back home. I rub his thigh. "Uh, well, we have some ideas. I'm going to teach him some grounding techniques. Like the kind I use. And this was a big learning moment; I doubt he wants to go through this again. Anyway, I think this is a good stopping point."

"I disagree." Cliff said calmly.

"Leo, are you okay?" Molly asks, looking worried.

I look at Leo, and he's completely dissociated. "He's done. He dissociates when things get too triggering or stressful. He'll be okay, but we're done."

Everyone nodded, but Cliff said, "Understood. But, Casper, don't act like your mother. And don't date someone like her, either. You can't save her by saving Leo."

Then he logged off. Molly and Percy raised their eyebrows and logged off with quick goodbyes, most likely to go scold our oldest brother. I run my hand through Leo's hair and kiss his cheek gently. He blinks and turns his head to look at me, coming back into his body. He nods, telling me that he's okay.

"I believe in you two, just for the record." Naima says happily, "I can tell it'll work just by the way you look at each other."

We break eye contact to look back at the computer. "Thank you, Naima." I say.

Everyone says their goodbyes and we log off. Leo puts his elbows on the desk and his head in his hands. I rub his back for a few minutes, then lean in to whisper to him.

"How about that reward?"

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