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Leo's Perspective
Casper thought for a moment. "Depends on if I'm domming or subbing. It also heavily depends on what my partner enjoys. I'm not going to do anything to you or make you do anything to me that you don't want. But the other side of that is you have to tell me what you do and don't want. If you have a fantasy or a kink, I've probably already tried it and can tell you if I'm comfortable with it. If we want to have kink-heavy sex, we'd have to discuss what we want beforehand."

I intake the information. "Doesn't that kind of ruin the moment, though?"

"What's worse: discussing beforehand while your face gets hot and you can hardly withstand the suspense or feeling hurt and betrayed if something goes wrong and having to stop during?"

"Yeah, okay, that makes sense."

"So, Leo, do you have any fantasies?"

My face heated up and became bright red. "Uhhhh..."

Casper's Perspective
I've decided that I love watching him squirm. His red face and his avoidant eyes. I love making big men nervous. That's the best part about BDSM, someone like me can become a powerful man. Leo thinks for a while. I decide to help him out. "I can go first, if you'd like."

He nods. I smile at him and think. "When I'm subbing, I like being bossed around. I follow instructions and I really like praise. The only degradation I like is the purely sexual kind; being called a slut, a whore, saying I'm a mess, things like that. I like bondage, but I don't like handcuffs. When I'm domming, I'll practically do anything that turns you on. And begging, God, I love hearing men beg."

Leo looks at me with wide eyes. I pet his hair, knowing it calms him down. He starts rambling. "I know about kink, I know a lot of the lingo, but I have no idea what I like. I was kind of busy when I starting having sexual thoughts, then became an addict. I don't think I have any fantasies like that. I mean, I can't even really imagine myself having sex. Like, I want to, and I am very sexually attracted to you, and the things you said all sound kinda nice, but I don't know."

"Okay. How about a little quiz? I'll say things I think you might like and you say yes or no to them. 'I don't know' and 'it depends' are also great answers."

He nods. I run through everything I know about him and make a list in my head.


"Can you give me some examples?" He asks.

"Of course. Things like 'good job' and 'you're doing so good.' Or it can escalate and be things like, 'you're such a good boy for me' and 'you take it so well.'"

His face stays insanely red as I speak. "Yes."

"Awesome. How about... getting your hair pulled? A lot of people who like having their hair played with like that, too."

"Uh, I don't know."

"Okay. We'll try it sometime. What about being bossed around?"

"Depends. I think only in a sexual context."

"Cool, cool. And how about begging? Like, would you be comfortable if I said 'beg for it?'"

"That... that actually sounds really hot. I think I like when you're... dominant like that." He barely got out the sentence.

"Okay, now let's backtrack and talk about some other things. Would you be comfortable giving and receiving handjobs?"



"Receiving, yes. But I've never tried giving, so it makes me nervous." He squirms.

"And when it come to sex, are you a top or a bottom?"

"I'd like to try both."

"Are you okay with the use of toys?"

He breathes deep and composes himself. "Yes."

"Sounds good. Let's move onto honorifics. Do you have any idea of what you'd like to be called in bed?"


"Perfectly okay. Personally, I like being called Sir, Master, and personalized things when I'm domming. When I'm subbing, I like Love, Sweetheart, Darling, Slut, Whore, and personalized things."

"I think I also like all those things."

I run my fingers through his hair again. "Perfect. I think that's a good starting point. Last thing we need to discuss is a safe word. We need a word for 'pause and let's talk it out' and a word for 'stop.'"

"What do you think we should use?" He asks.

"The most universal ones are the stoplight system. It's easy to remember, too. Green means go, yellow means pause, red means stop."

"Sounds good to me."

We stare at each other for a bit. Eventually, Leo gets off the bed and I watch him go. I'm 100% dom right now, and I suddenly feel an instinct to follow him. And an even bigger instinct to get him back on this bed. But he's probably itching to escape the sexual nature of this conversation, so I let him go.

Or maybe I'm wrong, because he doesn't walk out the door. Instead, he locks it. He looks back at me with lust in his eyes.

I get off the bed and walk to him.

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