Chapter 1

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I'm just a girl

Trying to find a place in this worldTaylor Swift – A place in this world

5 years later

When the black SUV stops in front of the Radio City Hall, there are already a lot of fans waiting at the door to enter. Radio City Hall is on the corner and I have to say I can't wait to perform here. The huge red and yellow letters on the front at the entrance caught my attention. There's no getting around it. Several well-known artists have performed in this beautiful hall. Not only concerts are given here but also theater shows. "We're there Liz." My driver turns around and looks at me with a smile. 'Thank you so much for the ride ' I thank him. My gaze then goes outside as Conor, my bodyguard, walks over to the car. He then pulls open the door for me. I feel a gust of wind. Fortunately, it is still dry and grey. I jump out of the car when I hear fans screaming a little further away and calling my name. I wave enthusiastically to the fans.' Liz, you still have some time to take a picture with fans'. "Thank you Cono, I like that! " I reply right back. Conor has been my bodyguard for 2 years. As I became more famous and couldn't walk the streets without something of a bodyguard, Conor was introduced to me. And I have to say I'm very happy with him. Conor is a big broad muscular man with short dark brown hair. He always looks stern. At first, I had to get used to him a lot. He protects me everywhere I go and he's also on stage when I'm performing.

I walk towards the fans who are waiting at the door. There is a huge queue. I'm betting on a few 100-meter fans. 'Liz you are so amazing' a fan enthusiastically shouts at me. 'Thank you and how nice of you to come to my concert'. She nods gratefully and I turn around when I see her with a phone in her hands. She takes a selfie with me and I walk on to other fans standing by the fence. I still have to get used to the fact that I get so much attention from fans and that everyone wants to take a picture with me. I also often hear that songs of mine do a lot to the fans in their own lives. That's good for me too. I know how hard and hard life can be. And music makes it just that little bit easier. After a while, I really need to go in. I make a sip face to the fans and wave and walk to the main entrance of the Radio City Hall.

I enter a nice spacious hall. It all looks chic. A red rug on the floor, and on the left a row of cash registers. On the right, I see a few stairs that go up. And in front of us straight ahead there is a corridor to the hall below I guess. I look around in admiration. 'Come Liz we're going backstage' Conor beckons me. I walk forward with him. Just before the door of the room downstairs we turn right and walk through a corridor around the hall. On the walls are pictures of well-known artists who have performed here. It all looks really cool. We later arrive at a door that says ' backstage '. Conor knocks on the door. Not much later, the door opens. One of the security people is in front of us. And when he sees me he nods to me and to Conor. 'Come on' . He holds the door open for us and I thank him and walk into the backstage area with Conor.

This part is almost the same as for the public with even more pictures on the walls. We arrive at an open room with a bar. And on the other side of the room is a sofa with a table and a few chairs. I can probably chill with the band here. ' The dressing room is a little further straight ahead on your right hand one of the security people tells me. 'Thank you I will go first... " I stop talking when I hear two familiar voices approaching. Before I can say anything, Katie and Danny appear in this open space. 'LIZ! ' Katie runs to me enthusiastically. We give each other a heartfelt hug. Then I let go of her and see Danny standing next to Katie, smiling. 'Danny nice to see you again ' I laugh and give him a hug too. Danny is a guy of almost 2 meters and I feel like a little girl compared to him. 'Nice building, never been here ' Danny confesses. "No I don't either, but one must be the first time, right? " I see Katie looking at me and Danny with a smile. "That's certainly true," I admit. Katie has been my best friend for 1.5 years. She is one of my background singers. Very nice to take a best friend on tour everywhere. And Danny has been part of the club of background singers for 6 months. "Are we going to chill out for a while? ' Katie looks at me questioningly. I look around. I can't see Jake. "Conor where's Jake? " I ask him. "I think he's behind but... " Conor looks at me questioningly. "I want to know if we have time to chill before we have our final soundcheck. '. Conor nods. "I'm going to ask him" he promises me and he walks away from us.

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