Chapter 6

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'Cause all I know is we said 'Hello'

And your eyes looking like coming home

Taylor swift ft Ed Sheeran – Everything has changed

Once in my room, I plopped down on my bed. With my face on my pillow. Not knowing how long I can put on an " I'm okay " mask against the rest. For a moment, I feel a tear slide down my cheeks. I miss Max so much. And most of all it's " it's going to be okay Liz talk ". After the accident, I decided not to enter into a relationship because I have a great fear of losing another loved one.
More than an hour and a half later, I hear a knock on the door.
I startle up and immediately sit up in bed. 'I'm coming' I shout, jump out of bed and run to the door.
When I open my door, Katie is in front of me.
'Liz I believe we are going to the arena'.
I nod.
'Fine, I'm done'.
I turn around and walk back to my bathroom, check my hair, and wipe away some leftover sleep from my eyes.
I leave my room with my bag and walk with Katie to the elevators.

When I press the button, the elevator door opens. To my great surprise, the four boys are in the elevator, including Glen.
"Can we join us? " I ask them with a smile.
"Of course Liz." I step inside and stand next to a boy with brown curly hair. The door closes and we go downstairs. 'And would you like to perform in Dublin for the second time? '. Glen looks at me questioningly. I nod. 'Yes, very much and I thought it was super cool yesterday so' I smile at Glen. A few minutes later we hear a ping sound and we are on the ground floor. We get out and see that Jake and Conor are already waiting for us. I walk over to Jake and Conor when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Glen standing in front of me. ' Your show was really cool yesterday '. "Thank you" I reply back. 'Your performance was also good ' I say with a smile. Glen laughs. 'Thank you so much we thought it went well ourselves'.
I smile at Glen again.
Then I hear a voice say behind me. '
Liz, we have to go '
I turn around and see that Jake is now standing in front of me.
I nod.

Outside, fans are once again waiting. Chatted for a while and took a few selfies with them. Then jumped in the car to go to the o3 arena for the last time. Tomorrow we fly on to London. Then we have two days off. And then do two shows in the o2 arena. I stare out. Fortunately, the weather is dry. But the sun doesn't want to break through yet.
Liz, are you okay? ' I hear Conor ask me.
' yes I do ' I answer back. I sigh. After 10 minutes in silence, we arrive at the o3 arena. We drive around the building and see a nice line in front of the entrance. Then suddenly I have an idea. "Jake, can't we order some pizzas at the end of the afternoon and give this to the fans up front? '. I then look at Jake who is sitting in the front next to the driver. Conor sits next to me in the back seat. Jake turns around. "Uh yes? " I hear a hesitation in his voice. "Okay, then we're going to do that. First, put something on Instagram '. In the meantime, we drive by car to the backstage area. I open Instagram and post about whether someone is in the mood for pizza. Then I put my phone back in my bag.

After I made a call on Instagram, I received many reactions from fans that they liked the pizza. So that's how it's done. I order a few pizzas.
'Mrs Liz here are the pizzas'. I turn around and see two men with dozens of pizza boxes walking toward me. I smile broadly. "Fine, they're for my fans," I reply with a smile. "So we have to go to the entrance," says one of the men. 'Yes, that's right'. "Let's go before it gets cold," I say quickly. The men nod and together with Conor, I lead the way towards the exit. On the way in the hallway, I meet Glen who is tapping against the wall with his drumsticks. He looks up as I pass by. First to me and then to the pizza boxes. 'So big order' he jokes. 'Yes, that's right for the fans'. "How sweet of you! "He says immediately. 'Yes, my fans are everything to me'. Without my fans, I wouldn't have grown as big as a pop star either. And I can do what I love to do the most. "Shall I help? "He suddenly suggests. He holds his drumming sticks in his hands. "Well, if you feel like handing it out," I smile at him. "Of course, I want to do it," he says immediately. And so the five of us walk to the entrance of the o3 arena to surprise the fans with a pizza.

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu