Chapter 9

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I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds

The Script – Exit wounds

"Glen," I say startled.
'Sorry Liz' Glen looks at me. We are equally close to each other. I'm not sure what to say to him. "Liz I ... "Glen begins. He looks at me with his blue eyes. His hair is tousled. And holds a drumstick with one hand. "Never mind Glen, I have to go" I cut him off, and then I turn around to see that Katie and the rest are already in the car. I leave Glen there and jump into the car.

"Liz, what was that? Katie asks me as she sits next to me in the back of the car and the car slowly drives away from the o2 arena. I look at her. I let my head fall back against the headrest. And then close my eyes for a moment. A few seconds later, I open them and look at Katie. "Something happened yesterday," I begin. "What happened between you and ... Katie looks at me curiously. Glen? ' I'll complement her. Katie nods. I sigh. 'Something happened yesterday when we were on our way back to the hotel'. I stop talking and look at Katie. "Oh really? What happened? Something serious? ' Katie looks at me questioningly. I shake my head. "Well, Glen banged the car against the car in front of us and... then I stop talking and think back to yesterday. A tear then slides down my cheeks. And it doesn't stop at that one tear but several come down. "Oh Liz come here" Katie opens her arms and I fall my head against her. Then I burst into tears again. I can't hold it back anymore.

When we arrive at the hotel not much later, I see a number of fans standing behind crowd gates. I told Katie everything. It is very nice that Katie offers a listening ear. "I think you have to clean your face first because you can't go outside like that. Otherwise, the fans think something's up," Katie laughs, offering me a few tissues. I nod and take them gratefully, cleaning my face and wiping away the last tears from my face. "Liz, are you ready? ' I hear Conor shouting who is sitting in the front of the car. "Almost" I call back. I quickly look at Katie. "Can I go out like this? " I ask her. 'Wait' Katie grabs a tissue and wipes some more under my left eye. "Now you can go out and put on your poker face and we'll talk in your room later" Katie promises me. "Or we're not going to talk and watch bad movies? " I suggest. 'Of course, you can do whatever you want' Katie winks at me. 'I think the latter'. I sigh for a moment and then I call out to Conor that I'm ready. He jumps out of the car and then walks to my door. He opens it and I jump out. Immediately I hear a lot of fans shouting and screaming my name. This time I see that there are a few more fans behind the fences at the hotel. I always wonder how they found out where I'm staying. "Go straight through Liz or do you want some more time with your fans? " Jake asks me who is on the other side. I look at the fans first. Then I turn to Jake. "A few minutes with the fans, " I say. ' Well, a few minutes ' Jake walks over to Conor and tells me I'll talk to the fans for a few minutes. 'I'm waiting for you inside' And he and Katie quickly walk in.

After more than half an hour I walk into the hotel. I turn around and wave again to the fans standing outside and then walk toward the elevators. Katie is waiting for me there. "So that took a long time " she laughs. "Sorry, Kat but I had to greet most of the fans myself," I smile back. Katie presses the button on the elevator. "But Liz," Katie begins as we walk to my hotel room after the elevator takes us to the floor where my room is. I look at her. "I'll tell you when we get to my room" I promise her. Once on my bed, I fold my legs under my buttocks. Katie does exactly the same thing. For a moment there is silence when I open my mouth and tell her about yesterday and the connection with Glen.

When I told my story to Katie, she first crawls up to me and gives me a sitting hug on the bed. Then she lets go of me and sits back down as I sit. "I get you Liz, but Glen doesn't know what's going on right now and... "Katie stops talking and looks at me. I shake my head. 'No, Glen doesn't know, but I don't dare to say it, and then also my fear that I'm going to lose someone I have a connection with '. I sigh. All those rotten emotions and fears. I feel terrible but on the other hand, I'm glad that I can still put on a ' I'm okay and I'm going to get on with life ' mask and do what I love to do and that's performing for my fans. "Maybe talk to Glen about it? Or? '. I look at Katie in shock. "Uh talk to Glen? I don't know........'. The thought of talking to Glen makes me nervous. How do I get started? And why when I keep talking about Glen I get a warm feeling inside? "Liz, talking to Glen is the only option," Katie says again. "Hmm maybe," I murmur softly. I then jump up from the bed.
"On a different subject, shall we watch a movie? '. I walk over to the TV to grab the remote. "Yes, right is a nice mistake? " she smiles back. 'Yes best ' I say when I plop down on the bed not much later with a remote control and turn on the TV. Via Netflix, we come to the movie ' American Pie '. Katie and I decide to watch this movie.

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu