Chapter 2

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We just now got the feeling

That we're meeting For the First Time

The Script – For the first time

The flight to Dublin is fast. Within 6 hours we are at the airport. Unfortunately, I barely got any sleep because two people were snoring not far from me on the plane. When I stand in the doorway of my private jet, I feel fresh air. Fortunately, I have my black leather jacket on and a nice pink thick scarf around my neck. I look ahead and see some mountains and lots of greenery in the distance. This is Ireland. I walk down the stairs to where a car is already waiting for me. And Conor is already at the door of the car. Jake walks down behind me. I nod to Conor and jump in the car.

20 minutes later we arrive at the hotel. Several fans are surprisingly at the hotel at the front door. Behind a few fences. I always like how they find out where I'm staying during the tour. I can already hear some screaming from outside. The car stops right in front of the door. Then my door opens. Conor stands outside with a smile. I jump out and when fans see me they start screaming even more. I immediately wave to them. Then I walk up to them and immediately I hug some fans and take selfies with them. More than 20 minutes later I walk into the hotel.

When I walk into the hall I see gold everywhere and a beautiful red rug on the floor. Everything shines: From the reception to the signposts. I quickly see that Jake is at the counter. Probably checking in. I walk over to him. 'Thank you ' Jake picks up the hotel tickets from this lady behind the counter and turns to me. "Here's your hotel ticket and your room is on the 4th floor," Jake tells me. "Fine," I smile at him and take the card. At that moment I hear several voices. And open the front door of the hotel. I turn around and I see 4 guys walking into the hotel with their luggage. "I'm already bringing your suitcase to your room," Conor says to me. I nod. "I'll be here in a minute. I would first like to introduce myself to the support act '. Conor grabs my large suitcase at the counter and walks towards the elevator. I walk over to the boys. "Hey Wild Things, right? ' I start talking. 'Yes, thank you so much for letting us go on tour' says a blond boy with a smile. "No thanks and I rather think you can thank my fans" I laugh. "We're going to do it" then answers a dark brown short hairy boy. 'But I'll talk to you still – since I've just arrived and I'm pretty tired'. I yawn for a moment. 'Rest well and we look forward to the start of the European tour tomorrow'. I smile and quickly put my hands together and bow briefly.
'Thank you, guys'. And with that, I turn around and walk towards the elevators. On the way to my hotel room.

The remaining day I mainly hung out in the hotel room. I also slept for a few hours. My hotel room is huge, by the way. And with a nice view of the city of Dublin. It's late afternoon when I look out in my sweatpants and hoodie with a large mug of tea in my hands. Thinking about the past few days, weeks. How the tour in America ended and how grateful I am with the fans and the sold-out shows. This all started 5 years ago when I got a call from the radio station where Max had sent my demo. I swallow for a moment when I think of Max. Max my ex fiancé. We were going to get married and maybe have children. But alas. He died in a stupid accident. I then feel a few tears come up and then slowly roll down my cheek. 

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu