Chapter 12

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You pull me in and I'm a little more brave

It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless

Taylor Swift – Fearless

The next morning the taxi that took us from Amsterdam to Groningen comes to pick us up. Now this time my parents are there. Fortunately, it is a large car and we fit well in it. Conor and my dad are sitting on one couch and my mom and I are sitting across from it. I stare out. Slowly the car drives away from the farm on its way to Amsterdam. Then I pick up my phone and I don't see a response from Glen. I put my phone back in my pocket and look at my dad and then at my mom. 'And fancy going to Amsterdam? " I ask them. "yes, sure, I'm so curious about your show tonight," my mom says enthusiastically. 'Yes, finally seeing my daughter on stage again' my father adds. "She's pretty good live and the shows are great," Conor laughs. We talk some more with each other.

Almost 3 hours later it is e hour when we arrive in Amsterdam. I see the huge Arena in front of us and then on the left the Ziggo Dome My big head is on the screen. I smile. 'Wow Liz, never thought to ever see this like this ' my mother confesses when she has her gaze on the Ziggo Dome as well. I nod. 'Well cool '. Then we come closer to the Ziggo by car. Then I have an idea. "Uh driver, I've lost your name for a moment," I call out to the driver. "Yes? "I hear him answer. 'Can we drive around the Ziggo Dome and see if there are any fans at the door? " I ask him. "Uh Liz you can't — you can't get around it with your car. We can only get to the parking garage under the Ziggo Dome," Conor says immediately. "Oh, but then to the parking garage and then back backstage? " I ask again. I look at my parents. "You're still so ordinary," my father laughs. 'Well ahead' I hear my driver say and then instead of driving to the backstage part behind the Ziggo dome we now drive left the Ziggo dome towards the parking garage where visitors can park their cars for the concert. When we are at the entrance of the parking garage I look outside. I can already see a lot of fans in line. Then I open my door. "Liz, what are you going to do? " Conor suddenly asks startled and looks back. "Meet my fans," I reply with a smile and jump out of the car. And I walk towards the front of the Ziggo Dome. Then I hear another door open and I know it's Conor coming after me. When I stand at the entrance of the Ziggo Dome, I see a huge queue in front of the Ziggo. But then a fan looks back and sees me standing there. 'OMG LIZ! " she yells and points at me. I grin.

'Hai! "I shout back and walk slowly toward the fans who are now standing in groups in front of me. 'I want to see you and hopefully, you will enjoy the show tonight'. Then fans ask to take a picture. Conor takes some pictures of me and the fans. But then we have to move on. "Thank you for your support and see you tonight and be careful today and later when the doors open," I say and then wave to the fans again and walk back to the car with Conor. "That was fun," I say when I'm back in the car.
"Nice to see how your fans react to you," my mom notes. "Yes, sometimes it's still unreal for me that I have fans who listen to my music and come to my concerts," I reply. Then the car now drives towards the backstage entrance. 'On to my first of the two shows in Ziggo Dome,' I shout enthusiastically as we drive into the backstage entrance not much later.

"And what was it like with your parents? " Katie asks 30 minutes later when I meet Katie and Danny at the lounge area for the band and for myself, I jump on the couch and look at her. 'It was really nice to be back home 'I look gratefully at my parents sitting on the other couch with a drink in their hands. "And we think so too," my mother replies back. "And still talk? Katie looks at me curiously. I nod. "And about G.... ' Danny adds. I nod again. "I have to talk to him but 'I stop talking when I see the girl walking by that Glen has been talking to and that secretly makes me feel jealous. Would they have anything more? Or dating? Or.......? "LIZ earth to Liz," I then hear Katie say and she waves her hand in front of my head. I'm startled. "Sorry distracted," I say quickly. Danny and Katie laugh. "Distracted or are you stuck with your head somewhere else? ' Danny jokes. I get up. "I'm going to find Glen," I say. 'YES!! Well done, Go Liz," Katie and Danny say at the same time, clapping their hands. I then leave this lounge area and I go looking for Glen. It's time to talk. He hasn't responded to my Dm on Instagram anymore, unfortunately.

I walk through the halls and finally see him standing at the bar. Glen wears a black leather jacket and skinny blue pants underneath a pair of black and white all-stars. He's talking to his bandmates. He has a drink in his hand. I stop walking for a moment. I'm not sure. Should I do it? Talk to him? To talk? Or maybe wait until tomorrow? But then someone from the band notices me. "Liz! Come and stand with us' one of the boys shouts at me. Glen sees me now too. He just looks at me. I walk slowly toward the group. "Would you like a drink? " the blond boy asks me. I shake my head. "No thank you — I'm actually coming for something else" I reply. "Oh? ' I hear the boys say and everyone is looking at me now. I sigh. Then I turn my gaze to Glen. 'Actually, I want to borrow Glen for a while' . "You can borrow Glen" The blond boy laughs again and takes a sip of his coke. I look at Glen. I haven't heard an answer from him yet.
But then his mouth opens. "I want to walk with them," he says.

I take Glen to my dressing room. At least I can talk to him there alone for a while. "Sit down," I tell him and point to the couch. "Oh okay" he just says and he looks at me in surprise. I stand still. I can't sit next to him. I walk back and forth. "Liz, we haven't talked since London since... Glen starts and he looks at me. I sigh. "I just know ' I stop talking and I don't look at him. For a moment it's quiet and then I start talking. To talk about the accident of years ago. How I lost Max in a terrible accident. And because of this, I have developed a fear of losing someone again and falling in love with someone. Glen listens to me patiently. I end up sitting next to him on the couch. Occasionally he puts his hand on my leg to reassure me. When I'm done with the whole story, I look at him. " I look at Glen with tears in my eyes. "And you feel like we're developing something together and that's why you shut me out after London — after the accident? "Glen adds. I look at him and half nod. "Glen somehow I feel good about you," I say softly. He nods and then takes my hand. "Liz I have exactly the same thing but I was really surprised and maybe a little bit disappointed that you didn't want to see and speak to me after London" Glen tells me honestly. I nod. 'Sorry that really wasn't the intention but I don't know how to proceed now ' I say honestly and I feel tears rising again They slowly roll down my cheeks.

Glen grabs me and pulls me into his arms. "Liz, listen to me," he says softly, holding me tightly. "We don't have to rush and solve everything at once. Let's just take it one step at a time and we'll see where it brings us together. I sob softly and lie against his chest. "That sounds good," I whisper back Glen lifts my head with his hand and wipes the tears away from my face. "Liz you are a really special person and I would really love to get to know you more and better I always want to be there for you Liz," he says, still holding me in his arms. And that's when I feel safe and secure with Glen. Like I've finally found a home again. 

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu