Chapter 11

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Through the flames and the fire, I will go (I will go)'Cause I know,
yes, I know that I'm not alone

The Script – Army of Angels

The plane lands at Schiphol. I am happy to be in the Netherlands, my home country, for a few days. For a moment, I think about the past few weeks. We have traveled through different countries and met many fans. I look outside and see that the weather is cloudy and gray. Once off the plane, I jump in the car and it drives us from the airport to the hotel. The ride doesn't really take long. "I'm going to drop my stuff and then we can go to my parents" I suggest. Jake nods. "You really want to visit your parents? " he asks me. We are standing in the hall of the huge five-star hotel. Once again, it shines everywhere for gold and silver. I decided to visit my parents today in my hometown Groningen. I'll call them soon. My parents are very happy to see me and immediately ask if I will stay the night. I nod to Jake. "Yes, I would like to go to my parents and come back tomorrow" I promise him. 'Okay then grab some stuff or take some with me then I'll put the rest in your room '. Jake walks over to my bags. 'I'll only take this one with me' I point to my red little roll suitcase. Then I turn around and see the taxi still standing in front of the hotel. 'I'm going to see if this sweet man wants to take me all the way to Groningen' I say to Jake. "Take Conor with you" I hear Jake say. I sigh. 'Is good ' I say. It was quickly arranged and Conor put our suitcases in the trunk. Finally to be reunited with my parents and hopefully I can vent my heart out too.

After a 2.5-hour drive, we arrive in Groningen. My parents live on a farm just outside the city. My parents still have cows, sheep, and goats. And they sell milk to the nearest supermarkets. "Wow, never been to your parents," Conor says, looking forward to us as we drive into the driveway. In front of us are two huge green barns where the cows are on the left side and the sheep and goats are on the other side. A little further to the left is the family home, a single-family home with a spacious garden. The laundry hangs outside in the garden on a washing mill. The car stops right in front of the house. I take off my seatbelt and jump out of the car. Immediately I smell the farm life. A mix of cows, fresh hay, and manure, something I don't really mind. My driver and Conor also got off... Conor takes out our bags and I walk towards the house. Conor follows me.
Then suddenly the front door swings open and I see my mother standing in the doorway. I can see from her eyes that she has tears. Apparently, she's emotional and glad I'm here. "Liz, you're home! " she shouts emotionally. I then run to her and fall into her arms. "I'm home," I say as I still cuddle intimately with my mother at the front door.

"Do you want a cookie with your coffee? " my mother asks me and Conor as we sit in the backyard a little later in one of the lawn chairs with a cup of coffee in front of us. Conor shakes his head. I, on the other hand, like a cookie. "Yes, Mom," I say with a grin. "Of course, you never say no to a cookie" my mother teases me and gives a pat on my shoulder before she goes in. 'Nice and quiet it is here'. Conor looks at me. "Yes, huh? It is a quiet and very nice place to grow up. I look around the garden. Everything has still remained the same. A pond to our right and next to it a few beautiful plants on the left side. And a small shed a little further back in the garden where the bicycles are. My parents love to cycle when they have nothing to do. "That's how I found the cookie tin and.... " my mother suddenly appears in the doorway of the house and points behind her. My father was also summoned. I get up immediately. "Dad! " I say with a big smile on my face. "Liz, you're back home," he says, smiling at me. My mother takes a step forward and I run over to give him a hug. "How nice of you to be home again," he says when I let him go after a few minutes. 'Yes certainly very nice to see you ' I say back and I take a step back. 'This is Conor, my bodyguard for two years'. I point to Conor who is now also standing and walking towards my father. "Oh nice you're protecting my daughter and welcome here," my father says to him as they shake hands. "I enjoy doing it and You have a wonderful daughter," Conor replies back.

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu