Chapter 13

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'Cause I don't want to live if it's without you I
don't want to fall asleep unless I'm right beside you

Wild youth – Life without you

"And we're ready for tonight," I shout enthusiastically through the microphone. Three hours later I'm on stage in the Ziggo dome. We just finished the final soundcheck. I turn around and look gratefully at my band and dancers. People clap. And I get pats on the back from the two male dancers next to me. I nod gratefully and then walk back to the main stage. Then I notice that Glen is behind the sound. I smile at him. And besides that, my parents are next to Glen. I walk right up to them. "And? " I ask them as I face them now. 'Great, we can't wait for tonight, and nice guy that Glen' laughs my mom and points to Glen. Glen laughs. "Thank you, meeting my in-laws right away when we haven't had a first date yet," he jokes. 'We are honored'. My father walks up to Glen and pats him on the back, then walks away. 'I'll see you in a minute' And gone was my mother too. I'm on stage with Glen now. While everyone around it leaves the stage. 'You were good again as always' he smiles at me. 'Thank you ' I feel myself blushing a little bit. "Where do we go from here? " I look at him. Glen shrugged. 'As I've said before, you have to tell me if you want to go a step further' Glen gives me a wink. When I get a little closer to Glen I smell a wonderful man's scent. I look up and see a very nice smile on his face. "Is good I'm going to do " I promise him. "And that one dancer? " I ask him. "Oh, Jessica? Glen says immediately. I nod. 'I can talk to her nicely, that's all'. I smile with relief. "Beautiful — I trust you, " I say to Glen and give him a wink back. Then we walk off the stage together and I feel relieved and excited at the same time. Tonight's show is going to be great — I can feel that in everything. And who knows what else the evening will bring. I look at Glen and am more and more attracted to him. Who knows what is possible between us if I take it a step further? For now, I am mainly enjoying the moment and the energy that radiates from the audience that will soon fill the room.

That evening I get ready for the first concert in the Ziggo Dome. I put on my outfit. When I've just put on my glitter boots I hear a soft knock on the door. "Yes? " I immediately shout. The door opens a little. My mother is standing in the doorway when I turn around. "Can I come in? " she asks me. I smile and then she steps into the room. "You look beautiful," my mother begins.
"Thank you, Mom, I'm so happy with this, and " I look at myself in the mirror and see myself. Happier than usual. "And a nice smile on your face and all is well with Glen, right? '. I nod to my mother. 'I indicate how fast I want to go with the steps. But first, go on a date together after this tour' I tell her. 'Well that's nice and take it easy' my mother gives as a tip. "I'll definitely do it." Then my mother and I talk a little further when a knock is heard a little later. The door flies open. 'Liz it's time to go'. I smile at my mother. 'Then I'll go to the VIP deck with your dad and have a lot of fun and enjoy'. My mother gives me a big hug. "And so do you" I reply back after she lets go of me. Then my mother leaves the locker room and I stand in the doorway. I then nod to Jake and Conor and 2 other security guards. It's time to go to the stage again. I walk with them through the corridors of the Ziggo Dome and feel the tension rise. Fortunately, this is a healthy tension. When we get to the stage, I see that everyone is getting ready to perform. 'Liz ' I hear a familiar voice say suddenly. I turn around. And I see Glen walking up to me. 'Glen' I smile. In the meantime, I am provided with a transmitter and earphones. "I want to wish you luck," he says with a smile. 'aw thank you Glen' I smile back. "Hug? " He opens his arms. I nod and then walk over to him when I know that the sound people are done placing a transmitter on my back. I can smell his very nice refreshing men's scent. I lay my head against him for a moment and place my arms around his waist. 'Good luck and I'll watch it on the VIP ' I hear Glen say. Then I let go of him and look at him. 'Nice, enjoy and see you later? " I ask him. Glen nods immediately. 'Of course, it's fun! '. Then we say goodbye and I walk over to the band and dancers to do our ritual again before the performance.

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu