Chapter 7

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I think you know me more than know

And you see me more than see
Never Seen Anything "Quite Like You" – The Script

That night Danny and Katie have dinner at the hotel downstairs. Tomorrow I have another day off before the show starts in London. I look around. Like in the hotel in Dublin, there are only crew people from my tour. The entire hotel is rented so that no other people can stay there. "Glen isn't there yet? ' Katie looks at me questioningly. She just takes a bite of her potato puree. I shake my head. "No, but maybe he'll eat in a pub somewhere?" I say back. I'm a little disappointed when I don't see Glen in this room. 'Well maybe he'll come back to the hotel later' . 'yes maybe and otherwise chill out in my hotel room tonight ' I laugh. Sometimes people from the hotel come to our table. They recognize me and ask for an autograph or a photo. Actually, it's quite annoying when I'm eating and people just walk up to my table. But yes, on the other hand, they are my fans. And I'm grateful to them, too. That's why I treat them patiently. After dinner, I still haven't seen Glen or any other guys from the band. Danny and Katie and I walk back to the elevators. As we stand there, I suddenly hear familiar voices behind us. I turn around and see Glen and his mates walking in at the entrance of the hotel. But when Glen sees me, he smiles. Katie nudges me. 'This is your chance' she then says to me. 'Yes,' I actually say doubtfully. Then suddenly we hear a high-pitched noise and the elevator doors open. Then I change my mind. I turn around and then walk over to the boys. "Hey, Liz" Glen immediately starts talking. "Glen, do you have a moment? " I ask him. Glen nods immediately. "Oh Glen what did you do ? ' jokes from his bandmates. Glen gives his bandmate a playful nudge. I chuckle. Boys... Later I take Glen back to the bar where we sit down at a table. Glen sits across from me. When I look at him for a moment I see a friendly boy/man sitting in front of me. His hair is cooed and dark. The left part of his hair is a lot shorter than the rest of his hair. "But tell me... Do you want a drum lesson or? Glen looks at me curiously. 'Well, actually I want to propose something else'. "Oh? Glen looks at me with wide eyes. 'Do you still feel like exploring the city of London by car tomorrow? " I ask him. Immediately Glen opens his mouth. "Yes, of course! Amusing! tomorrow morning? And shall I drive? He asks immediately.
He's driving? Oh oh, I don't know if that's a good idea. Then we are alone in the car together. And... I think about a few years ago. "Maybe better if someone lets us drive," I say quickly. 'Oh okay is good too' I can hear from Glen's voice that he's a little disappointed. "But tell me a little bit about you," I change the subject.

That night we talked for a long time. I'll find out more about Glen. That Glen is single and that his previous relationship didn't go well. She took advantage of him. That also touched him very deeply. He is now very careful to get to know new people. Me too so that's one of the things that matches up with each other. It's around eleven o'clock when we say goodbye and I walk to my own hotel room. When I lie in bed I think about today and the conversation with Glen. I'll see him tomorrow for a few hours. And no idea how it will turn out. I'm trying not to worry about tomorrow right now.

It's around 1ten o'clock when I come downstairs in the hall of the hotel. Glen is waiting for me.' Good morning Glen' I greet him. "Tomorrow Liz, are you up for it? " he asks me after we give each other a short hug. I nod briefly. "Do you? '. Glen nods too. Later we walk out together where a car is already waiting for us. My driver is leaning against the door. Glen walks up to the driver. "Is it okay if I can drive Liz around? ' I hear him ask my regular driver. He looks at Glen in surprise and then at me. Somehow I feel it's not really a good idea. But I dare not put it that way. 'If Liz likes it it's okay but I think Conor should come along '. He points to Conor who is standing next to me. Glen nods. He then looks at me. I think about it for a moment. I have a weird gut feeling. But then I answer. "Go ahead then" I confirm. Then Glen gets the keys from the driver. 'Jump in the car Liz, I'll show you some beautiful places in London' I hear Glen say enthusiastically. I only nod and walk slowly toward the car. I get in and Conor sits in the back seat. When I'm in the car I don't really feel comfortable. I fasten my seatbelt and see Glen start the car. Well, here we go.

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu