Chapter 8

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Don't blame me, love made me crazy

If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right

Taylor Swift - Don't blame me

Liz! '. I hear someone shouting when we finally get back to the o2 arena in London. After I was in control of my emotions in the middle of the sidewalk, Conor was able to quickly arrange transport to get out of there. And Glen? Well, that's behind me now. When we get out of the car backstage.
I turn around.
I still feel very sad and emotional.
' Liz sorry '. Glen comes to me worried but I keep him away.
' The car '.", he begins.
He stopped right in front of me.
' Sorry Glen not now and... ' I stop talking.
I glance at Conor. In the car, I discussed with Conor that I want to keep my distance from Glen for the time being.
Before I can say anything, my feet decide to walk towards the entrance of the backstage area here in the o2 arena.
Then I hear Glen running after me.
' Liz '. he tries again. We walk through the grey boring corridors to the changing rooms.
Then I stop in the middle of the hallway and turn around.
I look at Glen.
He looks worried.

' Hey finally '. He takes a step forward.
' Sorry, Glen it's not your fault but mine '.I start and don't look at him.
' But what's up? "He asks back.
He doesn't look at me understandingly.
I shake my head.
"I can't tell and maybe it's better if you leave me alone for now," I say softly.
I quickly look at Conor. He nods.
' But why me? '. Glen asks me again.
' What I say, leave me alone for now '.
Then I turn around and walk on.

'But Liz I thought we had something fun to it.... '.
' sorry Glen but I think it's better if you leave Liz alone ',
I hear Conor say.
I sigh deeply. Actually, I really like Glen but on the other hand, I feel really miserable and I have to come to myself now and focus on the upcoming performances.

Glen made another attempt to talk to me later that day but luckily Conor was there to stop me and remove me from him. Now it's almost show time and I'm in my dressing room with my first outfit on.

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm thinking about today.

It was so cozy with Glen. But when Glen crashed into a car, everything came up again.

I think about everything when I suddenly hear a soft knock on my door.

' Yes? '.

I turn around and look at the door.

The door opens and I see Katie standing in the doorway in her outfit.

Liz, are you ready? '.

'Yes, definitely' I reply back with a smile.

' Really? '. Katie looks at me.

She's still standing in the doorway.

I nod.

' Yes really '.

Then she enters the dressing room and closes the door behind her.

Half an hour later I hear another knock. This time a slightly harder one.

Without an answer from me, the door swings open. Jake stands in the doorway.

Liz, are you ready? We'll go straight to the stage'.

I nod to Jake.

Then I quickly glance at Katie who is still sitting next to me.

' Let's go ' Katie gets up enthusiastically.

Katie shakes my hand and I get to my feet.

I iron my dress well.

Then I walk over to the mirror and take another look at myself.

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu