Chapter 3

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You help me rise from the ashes If I fall from the sky you catch me '

cause friends don't let you do stupid things

The Script – Run Through Walls

A few tears later, I hear a soft knock on my hotel room door. I turn around emotionally and then walk toward my door. When I open the door I see Katie standing there. 'KATIE you're here! " I exclaim enthusiastically. 'LIZ! " she exclaims enthusiastically. We quickly give each other a hug and I leave her in my room and close the door behind her. "How was your flight? " I ask her. "Oh pretty good just tired " she indicates and yawns. "Oh yes, I still suffer from that and that famous Jetlag huh? "I laugh. We sit on my bed later and talk about anything and everything. Then Katie notices that I have a pair of watery eyes. "Are you alright Liz? " she then asks me. I look at Katie. I half nod. 'Yes, but just before you knocked on my door, I had to think about the past few years and....' I stop talking. It's another sensitive subject called Max. I still miss him so much. "About Max? ' Katie guesses. I nod again. "Yes," I say softly. 'Oh Liz come here' Katie gives me a hug. It's a very nice hug, and I'm so grateful that Katie is here on this tour. Then I feel tears rise again and burst into tears.

30 minutes later, Katie takes me downstairs to the gym. She suggests doing some training to let go of my emotions. In addition to the gym, this hotel also has a private swimming pool and a sauna. When Katie and I are downstairs in the gym, the door opens and my personal trainer Jim comes up to us with a smile on his face. "So Liz you train it? " He puts a smile on his face. Probably because he can now exercise me again. The last time I was working with him was before the American tour and in between the tour we facetime together to see how it goes and he gave me some exercises to do after the show. These are mainly stretching exercises. I smile. "Yes, I do," I reply back. I have known Jim for 2 years and I train with him every week to stay fit. Or I train at home in Ottawa or during the tour. He didn't go on the American tour because he had important family things. But now he can join me and I'm secretly happy with it. Jim is a tall man with huge broad shoulders. He puts on a black shirt and sports pants. His short brown hair is a bit wild. He rubs his hands. "Well then, can we start ladies? " He looks first at me and then at Katie. 'Oh Danny is coming too' Katie suddenly says. 'Oh, I'm training with three people instead of one? " Jim joked. "Yes, apparently," I laugh again. Not much later, Danny appears in the gym. "So I'm ready to work out that jet lag," Danny jokes, who comes to stand with us. Katie looks at him with a smile. I shake my head laughing. "Let's get started or nothing will come of it," I say to Jim.

Once I start training, I love it. I see Katie is having trouble with a kettlebell. I laughed inside. 'No Katie you have to do it this way' Danny comes up to her and picks up the kettlebell and shows her how to do it. I watch them from a distance while doing a deadlift with almost 10 kg on each side. I chuckle for a moment. "Well done Liz" Jim encourages me standing across from me. 'Five more times '. I nod.

After training for more than an hour, I took a shower and agreed with Danny and Katie downstairs in the restaurant to eat. Because it's almost 6 o'clock now. And my stomach is starting to rattle nicely. After showering, I jump into my gray sweatpants and my favorite purple hoodie. With my purple glitter bag, I walk out of my hotel room and head toward the elevators. After exercising I feel a little better. But still, the feeling that I miss Max enormously is now more present. I press the button on the elevator. My mind goes back to Max. The moment in the car. And before that. When Max sent my demo to a radio station without my permission. If he hadn't done this, I would still have stayed in Groningen and now I wouldn't have a career as a well-known pop star. Then I hear a ping and the elevator door opens. When the elevator goes down, I lean my head against the wall. I close my eyes for a moment. I take a deep breath and then exhale. And then later I hear another familiar ping and I'm downstairs.

"What a delicious food this is," Katie says with a full mouth as she sits across from me at a table. She, Danny, and I are sitting at a large table in the restaurant with some other crew people.
Katie and I have decided to go for an 'Irish Stew' together. Like Katie, I want to try something from Irish cuisine. "Yes, what you have, we always eat on Sundays," Danny tells us. 'Well, it's delicious'. I take another bite of the stew. It feels like an angel slipping on my tongue. The three of us continue talking about anything and everything when I suddenly look up and see that four boys are walking into the restaurant, busy talking to each other. One sees me looking and gives me a look. I glance back. But his gaze lingers longer on me. And I can't stop watching him. 

Life without you * English story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu