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"Max Verstappen wins for Red Bull ahead of Sergio Perez. Fernando Alonso on the podium for Aston Martin. Oscar Piastri, Charles Leclerc and Esteban Ocon retire from the race."

Mercedes ended up battling Aston Martin throughout the whole race. Only Lewis managed to climb up two positions, putting him in 5th place, while George remained in 7th position.

"Well done boys," I observe as Toto pats the drivers backs, each one thanking the team and taking the overflow on congratulations. Cami practically flew into Georges arms the second he took his helmet off, the height difference making everyone at the garage swoon over their adorable post race hugs.

"Lucky bastards," my eyes pretend roll back at the words directed towards the 44 next to me.

"Always showing off," His arms crossed over the racing suit, adding a playful head shake. "Hey, you coming to the after party?" Lewis turns to face my smile.

Shoulders shrugging in response, "Might swing by."

"Man you gotta, good start to the season. Definitely calls for some shots," a smirk starts creeping its way to our faces. "Not too many though I'm getting old."

"Didn't wanna be the one to say it," I feel an elbow nudged into my side.

"You better mean the shot part."

"So are we going or not?" The dream team interferes our conversation. Almost two head taller dude beaming with excitement after an hour long race. 

Girlfriend innocently tucked underneath his arm, sweetly using my brand deals to her favor. "Viv do you have a dress I can borrow?"

I fake gasp to give her a hard time, knowing I'll have something for her either way. "Oh my god, Carmen Mundt unprepared?? Someone take a picture this is rarer than a shiny Pokemon card!!" Hand on my mouth to exaggerate.

"I didn't plan on wearing much tonight."

"OH my GOd shut it you two, out of my face," Lew now the one mimicking with the same energy.


Gloss. Always. I never go for lipstick, that's unless I need a red lip moment of course. Unfortunately not tonight. 

A dark blue silk dress hangs off two thin shoulder straps, falling mid thigh in combination to navy heels. Gold pendant earrings mixing with shiny honey brown hair, eye shadow and mascara lightly applied to bring out the young woman's eye color. A satisfied smile spreads its way across her face. The hotel room mirror reflecting my tightly hugged silhouette.

Once I enter the Uber, everything goes by rather quickly. Only catching small glimpses while exhilarating trough the streets of Bahrain, passing flashy lights and shops. My attention never turning away from the window.

"Miss," the male driver snaps me out of my half present state, trapping me in the current moment. I let a "thank you" slip as my nails grip the door handle and my shoes hit the solid concrete.

Keep your shoulders straight, I remind myself whenever cameras threaten to point my way. The bouncer ticks off my name, allowing me to escape the few camera flashes i was too slow to doge.

A bright mass of people announces itself, visible as soon as I step foot inside the expensive looking club. Colorful lights, surprisingly good music and the only thing I managed to make out in-between the mass of people, a bar. Squeezing my way past a few little groups here and there, I finally catch a bartenders attention.

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