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Lando Norris

My body sways along with the rhythm of the soft waves, the blinding sun beaming straight into ones eyes. I already regret not having brought sun shades to darken the hot afternoon glimmer.

I've been on deck for ten minutes and I can swear my arms weren't that tan when I stepped foot onto the expensive yacht. The first few buttons already open, yet sweat threatens to glisten on my smoking head.

"Another one mate?" The Spanish caresses his thick luscious hair. Opening the mini fridge to pull out two beers before occupying the lounge spot next to me.

The ship port quiet and breezy, typical middle of the week typa vibe if you ask me.

"You like the view?" A cap goes flying and the glass bottle molds around his lips.

Sure, I nod my head. It's not every day I get to turn off my guard and drink in the open like this. Especially since the strict "no drunk Norris" policy Amanda set up.

"Who'd you say was coming?" The Ferrari charm stiffens while handing over the beverage. Big brown eyes avoiding mine like a deer strung in headlights.

"You know," the liquid is quick to glide down his throat. "The usual."

My brow raises in suspicion as the alcoholic drink covers the inside of my mouth. "They bringing someone else or?" I ask, knowing Carlos wouldn't mind someone to play around with out on the sea, especially female company.

"Doubt the Mercedes boys will show."

Brows furrow in confusion. As if Lewis is the one to miss a social gathering.

I place the bottle down on the coffee table, casually digging for further info. "Why's that?"

"Though place they're in, with all the rumors going on."

Rumors? Now that sounds interesting. "What kind of trouble now mate," I slip an easy laugh, still very much left in the dark.

"Honestly, I don't believe a Wolf could be that stupid, especially not her. My hypothesis, someone else's been selling stuff to one of the teams."

"Stuff?" The question mumbled, unaware he'd picked it up.

"Sharing confidential information apparently. Charles told me, not a word you got this from me," pointer finger pressed to his mouth to symbolize a "quiet" motion.

Knowing his chili temper, I don't worry for those lips to shut soon.

"We're all trying to guess who snitched on Susie Wolf, but I just know she can't be the one sharing confidential information," he mindlessly spills details without a filter.

They had it coming from a mile away, shitty start shitty season. Knew something was bound to fall apart with the slow speed they're going at. Won't be surprised if they go bankrupt.

Now that one of their main sponsors might pull out.

He almost chokes on his last sip. Wide eyes staring trough my questioning mind when I realize I've said it out loud.

"Que dices?"

I internally slap myself for intriguing the hurricane.

That time my media manager had me film a ridiculous YouTube video. And the day was just progressively getting worse when I heard her irritating voice. So annoyed by her presence I went to turn away when suddenly the pained little thing, got over toned by a man.

Altore Lavine, top ten most successful business founders based in Miami.

And that I know thanks to my old man. When dragged along events in central London in hopes of teaching me business adequate, I enriched my days with, you know stuff.

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