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Lando Norris

As if thunder had struck right in between. Split the ground in half, engraving a line to prevent me from crossing a border.

The flash so bright, my eyelids open and close, blink away the sight.

When a tsunami floods my mind, I do not wait for the sore to dry. Immediately searching for what it was that turned me blind.

When her eyes stayed on mine, they no longer were their usual warm and kind.

Something had taken over. Pupils dilated, pitch black and no longer sober. Covered in a darker shade, a dark dark blue as if custom made.

Anger poorly hid, acting on impulse, palms on my chest as she pushed and continuously hit.

Only when distanced a meter away, she'd somehow forced her hands to stay in place.

No more words were spoken no more barriers broken. Back to silent as we were, empty looks and walls so bare.

We'd stand and stare.

Paramedics rushing from either sides, shining flashlights straight into our eyes. Snapping fingers next to our ears, panicked when not receiving their usual top tier.

I can see clear.

Though I can't really say I'm certain.

Because when our vision stays connected, something about that girl makes me observe her.

The specs dominant, more prominent than ever. Fighting for tears and riddles to stay hidden, beneath layers of blankets and mittens.

I can hear.

Though the rhythm of my beating heart, overtones their chatting part.

As if they're working in slow motion, checking blood pressure and plus more thorough than oceanographers do with the oceans.

Because when the protective film smooths over her shortly exposed blues, I'm no longer sure what I tell myself is true.

What happened to you?

I can think.

No longer on standby, quickly online as soon as I ask that single questioning line.

My mind races faster than that car. Then one who's font, she thought would end up inside a wall.

Close call.

I planned on scaring her. Just pretending, not intending for my little joke to be tearing open her scars.

A motorsport media manager, afraid of cars?

"WHAT THE HELL NORRIS?" My media supervisor brings back my hearing along with a reality check.

"This, this is over!"

And just like that I'm back.


Head shoots up at the creaking sound. Dirty blonde boy peeking into my lounge.

"Relax, just me."

He closed the heavy door. Looking around quick, once more.

Are you alone, he wanted to make sure. Spearing trouble, after checking double. No girl with me on this one.

Desperately need to check out some clubs after session one.

"Quite close to bashing a hella expensive car. What's gotten into you mate?"

I don't even shrug.

Either a 'get hammered crazy on a night out' typa shit. Or 'Imma need a few drinks to process myself' kinda thing.

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