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I could smell it from the moment we first met.

Even with a great distance in between, it doesn't fail to swirl around my head, painting my face with worry while hair sways in the wind and lungs fight to stay inflated. Nostrils subtly flaring to devour the sweet incense of danger, so addicting, intriguing, so painfully remarkable it floats my airways.

Secretive, luring eyes hiding more secrets than the deepest depths of the ocean, always filled with clues and undecipherable maps encapsulated in glass bottles. Disappearing ink only ever gazing at surfaces.

Influencing orbs so siren like, close to waves washing over during the stormiest storms, even from miles away.

Even from miles away droplets drench the thin dress in sweat.

That goddam guy. That guy and his fucked up life. Dragging me into whatever this is.

Whatever the reason of my appearance here may be.

He leaves unanswered.

Unsolved questions lace my back with tight ribbons. Tying a corset with a bulletproof lining in case I'd need it.

Long even look the only thing giving away, that Lando Norris, is studying me just like I do, whenever we've got each other hooked.

"Men never change." Brown locks tucked behind the older woman's ear when she pops, but my observance has switched to the rude guy standing too close to the one who brought me here.

The one who wouldn't let anyone that near, by choice.

And it's very abruptly starting to look like there isn't much of a choice you have around here.

"You must know already don't you." Voice glazed with sugar too sweet for my liking. Cherry red lip coating mine with saliva, when shoulders straighten a bit.

Looking away I don't think nor say. Smile to display friendly play, an answer wouldn't matter anyway.

The painted cushions rise, fox eyes gleaming with knowledge and surprise. "Let me give you my advice," the woman brings my brows high up in a rise.

Clearly having read me wrong by thinking I'm here to play along.

"You desire to know, too much perhaps. In someone like him, you'll always find new pages to discover, chapters to read and maps to draw. But oh dear, is knowledge really power if it leaves you hanging torn and flawed?"

I unintentionally dart to the man standing worlds apart.

"The layer hidden beneath is concealed for reasons, leading you to believe there's something to achieve."

The secretive guy pulls out a facade, pretending to listen to whatever they're discussing. Probably traveling dimensions or simply planning how to ruin my night even more.

"Fun only stays fun until you're not forced to run."

Head held high when he finally walks closer, douche next to him still smirking and talking.

"You should have speed away with his car, lovely. A dress like yours shouldn't get dirty."

Looking around, my misplaced self slips out of a trance. I realize my purpose at a place like this could only be one, benefiting him. I let that prick display me like a shiny nuance. Innocent little thing used to dart attention, maybe chant a name out loud?

Why did you bring me here Norris, in front of a crowd? When all you do is complain about me and act unprofound.

The strange, tall muscular dork doesn't conceal the amusement stored when stumbling across my very confused expression. "Alright, who's driving?"

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