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"Nonono. SHOTS!" 

I catch a glimpse of Leclerc explaining himself to a waiter, the girl next to him agreeing to whatever it is he kept on repeating for two straight minutes.

"What about some good old truth ore dare?" An idea that could only come from one person gets declined by silence. "Come on It will be fun!" Daniel tries one more time, convincing everyone with the help of a single smiley flash.

"Bring the whole bottle then," Lewis jokes, the late arrivals still semi sober.

"Norris, you joining?"

My head turns to find the one and only guy I would be more than thankful for, if he weren't to participate. Black sleeves now slightly rolled up, hands eagerly gripping the back of the couch he was standing behind.

His dark eyes scan the booth, long lashes fluttering past everyone, but shoulders straightening ever so slightly the second he'd passed me. A look just a second longer than he had given the rest.

A grin spreading across on his face as confidence rises. "Sure. I'll play," he jumps over the couch in a swift motion.

Heavily charged atmosphere between me and the new player sat opposite.

"Alrighty then," The thick Australian accent cuts trough air. Hands clapping to gain the participants attention. "Everyone's got a drink I see so I'll start." He takes his sweet time to choose a lucky player. "

Lilly," heads turn to face the laughing girl sat next to her beloved partner. The one mentioned, whispered something into her ear.

"So tell me Lilly, truth or dare," he raises a brow at the couple. Crossing his fingers in hopes of her letting him choose a silly task.

"Truth," she send a wink, avoiding Daniels dares at all cost. 

Good decision.

But apparently, not good enough, since the smirk she got in return, didn't seem to stop growing. "You ever have sex inside the Williams hospitality," a loud laugh audible as soon as her eyes widen with shock.

No further look at her partner when she grabs a shot glass, pouring it down her throat in an instant. Nose scrunching in disgust and body trying to shake away the stinging feeling. Not achieving anything but a small laugh from Alex. 

"Pierre, truth ore dare," she picks the most obvious next player.

"Dare of course, flower girl." He slings his arm over Kikas shoulder.

"Share your top three places where you've done the deed."

The fearless man only chuckles in response. "Going easy on me huh? Shower, beach and bed,"an answer swerved in the matter of a seconds. Yet a shot gets drowned either way. Deep blue eyes don't search too long when they decide to settle on mine in an instant. 


"Vivian," he challenged, my name sounding way too light coming from his mouth. "Now don't be a buzzkill. Take the Dare."

Give them what they want. Right?

The word slips off my glossy lips like butter. A million eyes on me while mine lock with the ones furthest away. 

And to my luck, someone traces my action, finding the person my eyes followed so stupidly quick for some reason. Kika sends me one of those toothy grins, an evil look replacing the angel like face when she leans to whisper secrets into the current game masters ear.

Those two are no good. And their grins, probably even worse.

"Vivian Lavine," he slowly teases. "I dare you to give Mr. Norris a small peck on a body part of your choice."

Oh, I'll kill them both. And she already knows I'll hunt myself if it means I get to bury the biggest animal on top so they'll never be found.

"Pardon me," I send a life threatening smile their way. Can they tell the funeral's already planned?

"Just one tiny kiss. You choose where. You're not gonna back out are you?" Pierre does his best to get the rest in on his screwy idea.

In your twisted fucking dreams, Gasly.

My eyes snap to study the task. Two fingers already holding the small glass filled to the top as I lift the punishment. See trough liquid threatening to touch my lip.

That's when he speaks.

"Afraid, Lavine?" The eye contact so intense, almost challenging in a way. 

Is he enjoying this?

"Didn't think you were this inadequate," he purposely hits with a provocative tone.

My eyes stay pinned to his despite the sharp and stinging vodka that fills my mouth.Gliding down my throat painfully slow. Not a single gets displayed reaction. The people around me almost afraid to speak as deadly silence weaves over the booth. A loud 'the weeknd' song preventing the club from going quiet.

Inadequate. Oh I'll l show him inadequate.

An ego forces my dark heels to lift, fury coating my body as I stand tall. Shared look between him and I, filled pride and void. Each step I take forward, too close to the man that should have kept his fucking mouth shut. 

My breath heavy now I've forced myself to stand in front of someone I've grown a dislike towards. 

His fit body leaned back, taking up plenty of unnecessary space trough arms slung across the back of the couch and provocatively spread legs. 

I leaned forward, placing both my hands on top his knees to grip them with a little force. My mistake, a lot of force.

 An intoxicating smell of sandalwood and smoke almost makes me forget why the hell I'm doing this in the first place. Of course he smells like Dior-sauvage, figured he'd be the type. My face continues to near his, before I whispered words only meant for him to hear.

"Fucking Prick." My tongue swirls around the insides of my mouth. And that motherfucker only cracks a smile return, ice cold soul looking straight into my burning one.

"Whiny bitch."

My eyelashes flutter shut in attempt of containing my temper. 

I swear I'm doing everything in my power to hold myself back here. Smacking the filthy bastard in the face sound very appealing right now. 

But Instead I moved my head to his neck, gazing hot breath over his olive tone to find the perfect spot of delicate skin. I placed a quick peck on a neck vein of his, before biting down hard.

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