9 years later

1.3K 22 3

Holy shit, y'all.

That's it. That's the tweet.

In all seriousness, I am forever floored and humbled by the CONTINUED response to my 15 year old self's inane ramblings. For those of you who have been here for a long while, I was 15-16 writing these. I'm now twenty-six, with a degree in creative writing that this audience absolutely helped to cultivate. It will always humble me to know that thousands of people have taken the time out of their days and nights to read about a teenage girl with a hero complex bagging the hottest pirate to ever grace the silver screen. I hope one day to engender this same kind of kindness and affection that you have all given me over the years once my original works see the light of day. Until then, please enjoy this window into my writing past - and see my own hopes for the future in it, too.

Ever faithfully,


Post Script:

Warning: this fanfic was not properly researched in terms of historical costuming. Corsets were not instruments or torture. They were bras. They were also not well researched in terms of whether or not some of the stunts were physically possible. Please do not attempt what you are about to see at home. You will look stupid or end up doing something stupid, just like I did. Thank you.

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now