C.16 Leaked

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Dragging my fingers through the his hair made him smile even more, our lips where glued together as i explored his mouth. He let out small moans well putting his hands on my neck and cheek, my lap started to heat up from the boy sitting on it as well as the whole truck. Over time the mecks windows started to fog up, finally i pulled away and he smirked as a line of droll connected to each other. The brown haired boy didn't look finished and leaned in for more, i put my two fingers on his lips and smirked back "how impatient are you?" I said with a flirty tone "impatient enough to know im not finished" he flirted back his smile widening "love we gotta get back home, why don't I finish this when we get back?" Kai blushed and got closer "you?" He said poking me "yes me" he raised an eyebrow at my comment and jumped into the passager seat "i forgot that we were getting groceries" Kai said looking back at the bags.

I started up the truck and we started heading home, i heard a few giggles from the boy next to me so i looked over "you got something on your face Cole" Kai giggled and pointed to where it was on his face, i wiped the spot and probably Kais spit showed up on my golf "thanks Kai" i rolled my eyes and snicker.

The car ride home was embarrassing, well for me. Kai kept on flirting with me and making me lose focus on the road, "K-Kai shut up!" I yelled my grip on the wheel tightening "aww how cutee" Kai mocked causing my face to glow red. If that was enough Kai put his hand on my thigh and winked at me when i took and look at him, i swear he didn't stop until we made it home. He could of still flirted even if we crashed "hey Cole?" Kai asked as we got out of the truck "whats up?" I answered back "well.. what do you think the ninja would do if we told them" i smiled as we opened the big red doors that lead to the training course "i think they'd be fine with it" i said messing up Kais hair as he dropped the white bag to smack away my hand from his perfect hair.

As we opened the sliding doors and stepped inside the monastery we heard Jay scream "WHAT?!" Loud as shit, me and Kai looked at each other and snicker "i bet he lost in a game" Kai comments putting down the bags he was holding "Zane we got the groceries!" Kai yelled out but no response, he crossed his arms as i put the bags i had down "lets go find him he's probably with the others" I suggested.

As we were walking down the hall to the living room there was a different scream "I GUESSED IT!" It was Lloyds this time, as we walked in the living room confused as shit we saw everyones neck turn around fast like there going to pop off. We both jumped and laughed it off but they didn't "uhm.. something wrong?" I muttered scared of what happened. Jay grabbed the controller and replayed whatever they where watching without losing eye contact with me.

The ninja moved so we could see it and our faces turned pink to dark red.

There was a video of us making out in my truck, it started off showing two peoples shoes then zooming up on us from inside the truck. You could hear people giggling then someone say "i could tell the black ninja was but the red one?" The voice said causing the other to laugh, got Nyas going to kill me. After they calmed out the camera focused on us again at the worst timing, i froze up knowing what was going to happen.

You could see us pull away and me saying something that made Kais face burn, my hand slid up Kais shirt and the other downwards. The clip stopped and it began talking about us being gay until Jay turned it off.

"W-wow they must really like us because.. they look exactly like us" Kai made a nervous laugh and we took looked at Nya, she was clearly looking into my soul like she knew what i was thinking witch she probably did "i uh.. uhm, i guess there getting better with editing huh?" I muttered back up out of the room to only be stopped by Zane behind me, he pushed us both out of the door frame and into the living room.

Nya got up cracking her fist and taking up to me, i felt real small "how long have you been dating my bother Cole." She asked right up in my face "J-just 3 months N-Nya!" I tried to make a soft smile "have you guys fucked." Nya asked her face cringing by what she said "of- of course not!!" We did, and we did just last night. "You dare to lie to me boy?" She spat as Jay walked up to her, i thought he was going to calm her down but just looked at Kai that was beside me "you ever hurt Cole EVER, Coles not goin' be the last thing to smash into you" Jay tried to hide his laugh at his own joke, Nya pinched him clearly not liking the joke "if i see one more video of you doing that to my bother i will kill you" the water ninja said before pushing Jay out the way. "And if i see you acting like that to him your next" she stood up out of my and Kais face then smiled "congratulations though! We saw it coming" she said with a lovey tone "it was a 94% chance you guys wouldn't get together" Pixel said smiling in the background.

He and Cole slowly got up from being pushed into a wall and took a big sigh how that we can breath "soo.. who asked out who?" Lloyd asked out of the blue "Kai.." i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, Lloyd then smiled big and put his hand out infront of Jay "fine!" Jay cried giving him a 20 "whats that about?" Kai asked with a grin "Jay said that Cole would ask first but i said you and whoever won got 20" Lloyd explained kissing his money.

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