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Imagine yourself standing in the middle of the ocean; suddenly a symphony of affection appears in silence, and you fall into oblivion. Amidst this solitude, you find solace in the odd feeling that embraced you. At first, you stuck to the mesmerising view-with him, you submerged into the water. With every dive beneath the surface, the ocean reveals its secrets, unveiling both the cold and warmth of the saltwater. As you go deeper into the darkness of the ocean's depth, one remains in between; you are asphyxiated. With a hook stuck in your mouth, he tried to pull you up, but you both drowned, leaving only the silent bear hug of the ocean.

Love is a similar paradox to that situation; it is a depth of various emotions, but this is entirely unnatural; it is torture with pleasure. It can threaten psychologically with chemical crashes, mental suffering, and emotional pain-that's why some individuals detest it. At this time, however, people are trying to be anglers, catching those subtle feelings without thinking that they will be the halibut in a bucket, thrashing with a hook in their mouth. Furthermore, if you are incredibly attracted to someone for a short period of time, it is not appropriate to refer to that as love-that is termed infatuation. And if you feel so deeply into it, that's not love either; that is possession. There are a lot of things we need to understand about love. It is not just a thing; it's a complex emotion that can manifest in many forms.

Nevertheless, it's easy for us to sew a thread in our minds and make it into a garment that will serve as a representation of ourselves, fabricating an image. Life is full of extraordinary things, and it takes time to learn and understand. We are the designers of ourselves; we weave life into every stitch and thread. Each dress we created was a fabric of our future, and our inspiration to sew was to live.

Thus, I came up with the decision to make this magnum opus of mine to express my own definition of love and life. It is a kind of poetry collection book on the arts of heartlessly depressive to hopeless romantic. This book contains collections of poems that will embark you on various phases of loving and living. I'm really happy with these poems, and I wrote every single piece of them with my soul and gave them life.
Remember that this book was all about my perspective and experience in romantic relationships, love, life, and being an amorist. Writing poems doesn't require a professional career. So may every piece of this collection be with you.

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