The Encounter

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Zane's POV

"Are we there yet?" Jay whined.

"NO! We are not there yet for the seventy-fifth time, Jay!" Kai shouted, annoyed.

I chuckled. If Kai really wanted him to stop asking, he would not let Jay get a rise out of him. As they say in Ninjago, "Duh."

Pine Needles crunched beneath my feet as we quickly trudged through the forest. I was slightly on edge, so even the slightest sound would make me whip my head around and draw my ice sword. Whenever the others asked what was wrong, I simply reply, "Nothing. I am fine." First rule of a ninja: Never let on that you are scared if you do not know if you are alone. Actually, it is not the first rule. It is the seventeenth. Gahh, I'm getting off track again.

A rustle in the bushes made me jump and I swiveled my body to face the origin of the sound. I drew my sword tentatively.

"What is it, Zane?" Lloyd asks.

"Nothing, I am-" I am cut off by an inhuman screech.

"That doesn't sound like nothing...." Cole said, his voice slightly shaking.

Kai, Cole Jay and I drew our Elemental swords, and Lloyd prepared and Elemental energy beam.  A hissing noise rang out and I could feel the tension in the air skyrocket. All of a sudden, a vicious black blur leaped from the bushes and landed in front of my friends and I. It looked just like the Raptors from the scroll!

"Run," I urge Lloyd, Jay and Cole. They nod  and bolt away. The Raptor either doesn't care or doesn't notice.

"W-w-well." I hissed menacingly. "It seems we h-h-have some intruders." It's yellow eyes sweep the scene. "Too bad y-y-you will not complete your quest, pesky ninja." It taunted with false sympathy.

I do not realize that I am quaking with fear.

"My venom will take c-c-care of you. Now, w-w-which one first?" It asks.

"How about... None?" Kai asked, lunging forward to strike at the beast. The Infectai leaped away and tried to bite Kai, missing by a matter of inches.

"I believe that I h-h-have decided!" It screeched. "The first one to go will be y-y-you!" It took another violent snap at Kai's arm. Kai dodged and tried for another blow, but the enraged Infectai just took the sword in it's fangs and tossed it aside.

"Y-y-you know," It purred, "The only cure for my venom is Venomai poison. Let's see, red scales to match your red suit?"

Kai fell to his feet and crawled backwards, petrified with overwhelming fear. The black beast licked it's fangs, and venom spilled over it's lips and landed on the dirt below. "Prepare to be infected, Ninja!" It cawed.

"Nobody messes with my family!" I yell, suddenly filled with energy. I lift my sword and bring it down upon the beat's tail. It is suddenly covered with a thick layer of ice. The Infectai breaks it's gaze away from Kai and whips around to face me.

"S-s-so," It hisses. "A defender. This is g-g-going to hurt you more than it's going to h-h-hurt me."

It lunges at me and gives a ferocious snap as it attempts to bite me. I freeze it's tail again, and it claws at the ice. I take the opportunity to strike. I flip over it and hit it hard on the head with the hilt of my sword and it shrieks more out of fury than out of pain.

"Y-y-you will pay for that, ninja of ice!" It leaps at me in a blur and pins me down. It's tail swipes open my chest panel, revealing my wires, gears and buttons. "Or should I s-s-say, nindroid of ice?" It snickers.

"Get off of me!" I yell, trying to draw my sword.

It swipes the sword away with it's tail. "Tsk, Tsk. N-n-no need for that. Now, just stay still and w-w-we'll make this quick." It opens it's foaming mouth and a drip of venom lands on my white uniform, turning it black. Thankfully it didn't soak through to my skin.

"Release him, you monster!" Kai screams, smashing his sword into the creature's back. The blade just bounced off it's hide.

"W-w-wait here." The Infectai instructs me, taking a fallen log and pining me down. I struggled, but could not get free.

Kai took a few steps backward, and pressed against a rock. "T-t-time to die, Ninja" It snarled. "No t-t-tricks this time."  It opened it's mouth to attack...

I finnaly moved the log and lept to Kai's defence. Forget the sword. The Raptor sprang forward, jaw opened, venom spewing from it...

"KAI!" I yell, jumping in front of the Creature just as it brings it's jaws down. I feel a moment of relief that Kai was Ok, but it vanishes when thousands of tiny invisible knives course through my body, and I look down and saw that the Infectai's jaw was buried in my arm.

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