F.I.R.E. is not Kai

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Zane's POV

The sky seemed to merge with the thunderclouds overhead, turning the world a sickly gray. Tiny drops of rain splattered on the hood of my Gi. They soak through the seams,  letting me feel them ever so slightly, eventually building in size and sliding down my cheek, dripping onto the wooden deck and merging with the soft drops of freshly falled rain.  Radar was gone, and he wasn't a traitor. The only thing that keeps me from sobbing is the echoing of his last words ringing in my head. 

"Find Fire... Find Fire... Find Fire..." 

Team Fire. What does this mean? What is he hinting? A rival group that we must find? A hidden ally? For once, I am clueless. 

"Zane?" Silver's quiet voice makes me jump.

"Yes?" I answer. 

She sits down beside me. "I have something to tell you. I-It's about Radar..." Her voice trails off. When she turns to face me, her face is a cross of fear and sadness.

"What is it?"

"Fire isn't Kai. And Fire isn't fire." She explains. "What Radar meant was Blaze."

I am confused. "Blaze...?" 

"Yes." She answers. "A Blaze can save you."

My eyes widen. Considering I had an hour to live, I was open to any suggestions.

She sighs. "I will have to start from the beginning. There is a place called the Temple of Fate where each person on this planet has a Blaze, a small flame which can be tampered with, or left alone. If you meddle in the ways of fate, the outcome can be good or bad, depending on your intentions."

I was astounded. There was a way I could live to defeat the Raptors!

She continues. "But the only way to get to the Temple of Fate is to acquire six Time Shards."

"Time Shards...?" I ask. 

She nods. "Pieces of fractured time that are the result of an event that happened when someone disrupted their fate to a fatal extent. He literally broke time. The shards were scattered across the world. No one has ever found one. Yet." She looked at me with a gleam of hope. Hope that this desperate plan would succeed.

"Pardon me, but how do you expect us to find who knows how many Time Shards in one hour?" I ask.

She smiles. "There are six. And," She holds up a silver peice of what looks like glass. It showed a faint image if a clock, as if it were a reflection. "I have one."

I marvel at the object. "So we can get there using this?" 

She stares thoughtfully at the Shard. "Sadly, no. This one is the sixth Shard."


"Only five Time Shards are used as transportation. This one," She holds it up to the sun. "Is special. It can erase one event from your life temporarily. In this case, it's the bite from the Infectai."

"If that's the case, then why do we need to find my Blaze? Why not just erase the event?"

She rolls her eyes. "I said temporarily. It only lasts until we are one mile away from the Temple of Fate. Then we have an hour to find your Blaze." 

It was a crazy plan. A crazy, desperate, and possibly mental plan. But it may just work. I smile. This is not over. I suddenly stand up quickly and rush into the dining room where the others are arguing about who knows what. 

"Guys," I shout. They look up at me expectantly. "We have a plan."

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