Chapter 37

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Did the ceiling always look like that, or is that just what my subconsciousness remembers it looking like?

Lying in the old double bed, Ava had been staring up at the white paint for the better part of an hour. Late morning sunlight streamed across their bedroom; the Halo bearer paid no attention to it. She was supposed to have left for work by now but couldn’t bring herself to care.

Last night's revelation about none of this being real played over her mind. If she was being honest with herself, Ava had known for quite some time that something wasn’t right, but the alternative, reality, seemed so much more unpleasant. She had therefore ignored it, immersing herself in her happier surrogate world, where nothing ever went wrong, where she was always safe.

“Ava, you gonna get up at some point?” She finally broke her staring contest with a paint chip that she was sure wasn’t supposed to be there to look over at Bea.

Her girlfriend was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over her chest. Ava had made a non-committal noise earlier this morning when the sister warrior had asked her if she wanted to go for a run. Obviously Bea had decided to go without her, the taller woman’s hair was still wet from a shower.

“Well?” She asked again, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know.” Ava replied quietly, her throat hurt from screaming herself awake last night.
“Why should I? It doesn’t mean anything.”

That may have been the wrong thing to say…Bea’s expression soured. The taller woman stomped to the foot of the bed, pausing for a moment before gripping the bottom edge of the duvet that was covering the Halo bearer.

Ava met the annoyed glare and knew exactly what the sister warrior was about to do, “Don’t you dare...” 

She scrambled to grab the top edge but wasn’t fast enough, Bea yanked it away from her with a flourish, leaving Ava bare to the crisp morning air. Bea’s eyes widened when she noticed the Halo bearer was still completely naked from their activities the previous evening. Her girlfriend was silent for a long time, scrutinizing the younger woman’s exposed body.

Ava shivered under the hungry gaze, goosebumps prickling across her skin.
Finally, Bea began to move, prowling around the edge of the bed. Ava stayed completely still, unwilling to spoil the moment, curious to see where this was going. Bea’s eyes raked up the Halo bearer from her feet to her hips, over her stomach to linger slightly on her chest, before reaching Ava’s face.

When their eyes met something sparked between them, Ava felt a low swoop in her stomach, “Bea?” She whispered, “Touch me…please?”

"I thought nothing means anything?" A single fingertip ran across her collar bone.

"Help me find the meaning then?" Ava challenged softly, unconsciously straining towards the touch.

The sister warrior inhaled slowly; her brown eyes darkened with lust. She leaned down, brushing her lips against the younger woman’s in a barely there kiss that set Ava’s nerves aflame.

Why does this feel so real?

The thought snuck into her mind, doubt and guilt following it. Ava felt selfish. Here she was living out the happiest version of her life while her friends fought for their survival. The Halo bearer couldn’t dwell on it for long as a warm and wet mouth enclosed her left nipple. Ava moaned at the sensation, eyes fluttering shut, all previous thoughts vanishing.

Bea’s weight settled across her hips, the sister warrior straddling her as she continued to suck gently. Ava gasped, sliding her fingers up the firm muscle of the taller woman’s thighs, pushing up the loose shorts she was wearing. Bea hummed, the vibration sending a jolt of pleasure straight to her core. A hand grazed her ribs before cupping her currently unoccupied breast, palming it firmly.

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