Chapter 51

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The month of respite passed far too quickly for Ava’s liking. Although Bea was almost back to fighting shape and Ava was feeling more in control of the Halo (and herself), she really wasn't eager for the meeting with the Pope.

What if they don't believe us?

The toxic thought crept into the Halo bearer’s head bringing with it a swirl of anxiety that bubbled up in her chest. She didn't think she could face captivity again if they decided to lock them up for what they had done, but what was their alternative? Fight their way out and be on the run from the Catholic church? Tapping her foot restlessly on the thick rubber mat in the foot well, Ava gazed out the window trying to distract from the uneasiness, watching another ramshackle town pass by.

"There's no use dwelling on the worst-case scenario, Ava. Besides, they are men of the church, right? Isn't God all about forgiveness?"

Ava scoffed, earning a curious glance from Bea. The sister warrior had to quickly return her eyes to the narrow road she was driving them down, making sure they avoided an accident with oncoming traffic, but squeezed the younger woman's hand that was entwined with hers.

Hmm. God might be, but the Church…they already have a problem with me being the Bearer, what with the whole not religious, not a nun, not under their influence thing. And, on top of that, I managed to turn the head of one of their most dedicated and lethal sister warriors, making her recant her vows.

Ava rubbed her thumb over her girlfriend's freshly calloused knuckles, Bea had started training as soon as the doctor had cleared her. The Halo bearer loved seeing the taller woman getting back into it after being incapacitated for so long and she knew her girlfriend was beyond pleased to be doing something to burn the anxious energy intensifying the closer they got to the meeting.

The Pope is definitely not my biggest fan.

“Duretti liked you…well, in the end anyway.”

Yes, a shame Adriel killed him off once I finally brought him round. None of us have met the new Pope yet, not even Mother Superior, I doubt he would be super impressed with everything he’s been hearing about my antics lately. I haven't exactly been a role model Warrior Nun after all…

“Well, that's his loss then…I think you have been an excellent Warrior Nun, especially considering everything that's been thrown at you. Try not to worry too much Ava. I’ve got your back and so does Beatrice. Let’s just get this over with so we can get back to normal.”

Ava sighed audibly, shooting a grateful smile in her girlfriend's direction when she felt Bea's fingers tighten around her hand comfortingly once again.

I suppose you're right, thanks for the pep talk.



"What time is our meeting?" Ava asked, glancing at the fancy designer alarm clock beside the bed.

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