****TRIGGER WARNING-Implied Rape****
Ava was dozing off by the time their friends left the room. Perhaps due to the sleepless nights finally catching up with her or maybe it was a little too much of the wine that Camila had snuck from the kitchen when she had crept down to pick up a late-night snack for everyone earlier.
Either way, Ava’s eyes were closed while Beatrice arranged her limbs into a more comfortable position. The sister warrior then proceeded to rid the younger woman of some of the more cumbersome articles of clothing she had on, first her bra and then her jeans. Beatrice knew how much Ava hated sleeping in normal clothes.
“Any excuse to get in my pants…” The Halo bearer mumbled teasingly, cracking an eye open while she peeled the restrictive denim down her legs.
She huffed a laugh, “Well…it has been a while, darling.” Beatrice grinned, winking at the younger woman.
Ava raised her eyebrows, a lustful expression flitting across her face, but was she too tired to do anything but clumsily reach over to paw at the taller woman's chest.
Beatrice gently swatted her hand away, “Not gonna happen, baby, not tonight.” Ava groaned with disappointment.
“You need to rest.” The sister warrior murmured, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to the edge of the younger woman’s lips.
“Don’t wanna sleep.” Ava muttered as Beatrice tucked her in under the duvet.
She frowned, even though her girlfriend’s voice was almost a whisper, Beatrice could pick up a fearful tremor behind it. The sister warrior thought carefully about how to reply, she didn’t want to put Ava off talking to her, she had seen how hard the younger woman tried to hide her internal strife.
Climbing in beside her girlfriend, Beatrice cautiously avoided putting pressure on her sensitive bullet wound, “Why not?” She finally questioned, looking up at the ceiling, the soft frown pulling the corners of her lips down.
The Halo bearer rolled towards her, tucking her face into the crook of Beatrice’s neck, breathing in deeply. A moment passed and Beatrice wondered if Ava had fallen asleep until she felt lips brush against her ear.
“Scared…nightmares.” The younger woman whispered.
A pang of sympathy resonated through Beatrice, she twisted her body slightly to gather Ava up into her arms and pulled her girlfriend close, injury be damned.
“Don’t be scared, Ava. Just remember they aren’t real. I’m real and I’ll be here holding you the entire time.” The sister warrior murmured confidently, running her fingers along her girlfriend’s spine in a repetitive nonsense pattern.
Beatrice could tell Ava was fighting to stay awake, but was losing the battle, her eyes fluttered shut. Before the Halo bearer drifted off, she breathed a quiet response into Bea’s skin, “I love you.”
When Ava opened her eyes to find herself back in the cold, dark cell at the Brotherhood, she was surprised to realize that she knew she was dreaming. That was different compared to the usual night terrors that invaded her slumber. She was also surprised to discover that this knowledge didn’t actually help to soothe the thick, cloying fear that flowed like icy water down her spine.
Ava wondered what twisted version of the already fucked up memories from her time as a captive her mind was going to play out for her this time. When the door banged open and several men entered, fanning out around her, Ava’s heart clenched. She knew exactly what was going to happen next.

Secrets and Sins Part 2: Finding Mary
FanfictionPicking up immediately after the events of the sinkhole in PART 1- Ava must navigate her new connection to the Halo while the OCS works to save an old friend from the clutches of an evil cult, but just how far that cult's influence reaches will put...