Dedication and etc.

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Welcome to my story. I hope your reading time here is enjoyable. This story means a lot to me and writing it was a huge comfort in a very dark time in my life last year and now I want to share its comfort with others. I hope you love sunshine, fluff, slow burn romance and cute domesticness because there is a lot of that in this book.

First thing's first, this is dedicated to Tehreem. You've given me so much support and encouragement and I wouldn't be publishing this if it weren't for you. Thank you for being an amazing friend and always believing in me. And thank you for loving my story and characters right from the start. I've cherished every word you said.

Second, my spelling isn't bad despite being dyslexic but my grammar sometimes is, so feel free to kindly point out any mistakes.

Third, my story is only on this account on Wattpad so if you see it anywhere else please let me know.

Thank you for reading my book! Enjoy your stay.

Soleil (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now