Chapter 6. Purple Lilacs

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I completely rewrote chapter 6 because I wasn't satisfied with it and felt like I was rushing things with the romance. So my apologies to anyone who read it previously.

Caleb carries two plates with pizza on them into the living room with Saph following behind him meowing loudly and hopefully.

"Don't give her any," Summer says looking up from lighting a fire in the fireplace. "It'll just make her sick."

"Okay," Caleb sets the plates down on the coffee table and shoos Saph away from them. "Need any help?"

"No, I got it." A flame is crackling in the grate now and Summer looks at Caleb over his shoulder. "See?"

"Good job," Caleb says half teasingly.

Summer rolls his eyes and stands up dusting off his hands. "I'm gonna wash my hands."

Caleb forces himself not watch him go. He probably watches Summer too much but he can't help it. His eyes seek him out before anyone else. Every day he likes him more and more. It's almost painful.

Summer comes back and sprawls next to Caleb on the couch. Saph gave up begging and is sitting in her cat bed near the fire purring loudly.

"Do you want to watch something?" Summer asks reaching for a slice of pizza.

That sounds fine to Caleb so he grabs a movie at random from Summer's small selection. It's a romance. Apparently most of Summer's movies are romances or children's movies. There is no in between. They both talk a lot while they watch it. Random thoughts and musings on the movie that often make each other laugh.

I like this, Summer thinks. I want to keep doing this.
It's a rare feeling for him but Caleb makes him feel so comfortable. It's like he's known him for years.

Halfway through the movie there is a crash of thunder and the lights flicker twice and go out. Summer yelps and moves closer to Caleb his fingers brushing against Caleb's thigh. He's so close he might as well be in his  lap.

"You okay?" Caleb asks startled but not bothered by the sudden darkness.

"Yeah, I just...yeah." Summer feels for his phone and his hand touches what he's thinks might have been Caleb's hip. Caleb jumps.
Summer finds his phone and turns on the flashlight. He flushes with embarrassment when he realizes that he's basically sitting in Caleb's lap.

"Sorry about that," he gets off. "I don't exactly like sudden plunges into the dark."

"It's okay. You feeling better?"

"Yes, I'll get some candles."

The candles are in the linen closet. Summer knows exactly where they are but he rummages around unnecessarily anyway, too embarrassed to face Caleb right away. When he returns with three beeswax candles and a few candlesticks Caleb has added another log to the fire and it's blazing brightly.

Summer sits down cross legged next to the coffee table. "We almost don't need the candles."

"I'll only light one." Caleb lights a candle and sets it in one of the candlesticks Summer had brought out.

Summer leans against the table and gazes at the flickering flame. Caleb watches him until Summer seems to feel his gaze and lifts his head. Caleb's eyes dart to the fireplace but now it's Summer watching him with a thoughtful expression.

After a long moment Caleb forces himself to look at Summer again. "I also bought double chocolate chip cookies when I was at the store. Do you want some?"

Summer's pensive expression vanishes and his eyes light up. "Yes!"

Caleb smiles as he goes to get the cookies. He finds Summer's enthusiasm for chocolate chip cookies adorable.

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