Chapter 1. Summer Romance?

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Summer stretches luxuriously and sits up running his fingers through his rumpled golden blond hair. Morning sunshine lights up his bedroom hitting the prisms hanging in the window and scattering a cascade of tiny rainbows across the opposite wall.

There is a light knock on his bedroom door. "Summer, are you awake?"

"Yes, mom. You can come in."

Ivy pushes the partly cracked door open with her hip and comes in carrying a tray. "I brought you breakfast."

"You don't have to keep doing this, mom," Summer says. "I'm okay. I really am."

She sets the tray next to him on the bed. "I love spoiling you, Summer. You're my baby." She puts her hand on his cheek. "My precious, beautiful boy."

Summer smiles. "I know Thank you for the breakfast, mom."

She leans forward and kisses his soft hair. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too," he says as she leaves shutting the door behind her.

The breakfast his mom made for him today is oatmeal with pecans and strawberries and a pink heart shaped mug of coffee. He carries the tray to his desk and leaves it there while he gets ready for the day in the small bathroom attached to his bedroom.

He drinks his coffee while he digs through his closet trying to figure out what outfit he wants to wear selecting a yellow t-shirt with a design of white flowers along one side of the hem, light blue jeans and a few blue and yellow hair clips to keep his hair from tumbling into his eyes.

He scrolls through his messages whiles he eats his breakfast wondering if today is the day he'll have enough energy to answer them. Most of them are from friends or colleagues asking him how he's doing.

Summer takes a deep breath and types out a cheerful reply sending the same one to each colleague and a slightly different one to his friends.

A message pops up on his screen. It's Vee, one of the few people who he messages regularly and honestly. He clicks on it and studies the row of broken heart emojis.

"Oh no," Summer leaves his breakfast half eaten and grabs his mustard yellow backpack from its spot by his bed tripping over a pile of forgotten clothes. He kicks them out of the way and runs out of his room and down the hall into the kitchen.

"Mom, where's Sam?"

Ivy looks up from washing the dishes. "He's working on your car in the backyard."

"Vee's girlfriend broke up with them. I'm gonna go console them." Summer slips on his favorite pair of yellow sneakers and runs out the back door before his mom has a chance to say anything. Not that she'd want to stop him. She's probably relieved to see him out of his room.

Sam has the hood up on Summer's car and is leaning over it. Shark, the grey family cat is sitting on top of the car watching him curiously but he jumps down and runs over to Summer with an excited chirp. He happily curls around Summer's ankles purring loudly. Summer pauses to pet him before going over to Sam.

"Hello, husband of my mother."

"Hello, Summer," Sam says not turning around. "I'm assuming you need something."

"Yeah, can I borrow your car?"

This does make Sam stop working and turn around. "You're going somewhere?"

Summer can tell he's trying not to sound surprised. "Just to visit Vee."

Sam takes his keys out of his pocket and tosses them to Summer who catches them one handed and is extremely proud of himself.

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