Chapter 8. Kissing Boys

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Light dances across Summer's eyelids and he blinks and opens his eyes. Cool air brushes his cheeks and the sky is flushed with the first light of sunrise. Summer sits up causing the hammock to sway. Beside him Caleb stirs and grumbles and Waffle wakes up.

"Caleb," Summer picks up the bunny. "Caleb, wake up!"

"Ugh," Caleb opens his eyes. "What?"

"We should go inside. Otherwise we'll get a lecture from Sam because you slept outside while being sick."

"Oh," Caleb sits up. "It's definitely best to avoid that."

Summer gets out of the hammock shivering as his bare feet touch the dew damp grass. He snuggles Waffle against his face. He wants to go back to sleep.
Behind him Caleb blinks sleepily and wraps the blanket around his shoulders. "It's way too early to be awake."

Summer nods and grabs his sleeve. "C'm on."
He leads Caleb through the dark house running into a wall only once before reaching his bedroom. Still gripping Caleb's sleeve tightly he collapses on the bed pulling him down with him.

"This isn't my room," Caleb grumbles, his voice muffled by the blankets.

"Don' care," Summer closes his eyes and Waffle snuggles against his neck. "Go to sleep."

Beside him Caleb is already dozing off again. Summer doesn't let go of his sleeve.
On Vee's birthday Caleb doesn't see Summer until early evening when he gets back from Vee's house to change for the party. He runs into Caleb in the hall on his way to his room and Caleb looks at him in amusement.

"You have frosting on your face," he says when he sees the streak of bright color on Summer's cheek. A blend of bright pink and paler orange.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Vee's sister and I decorated Vee's cake for the party. It got kind of chaotic. I'm gonna shower and then I'll be ready to go if you want to walk together."

Caleb definitely does. The thought of arriving alone to a party for someone he's only met once is not an exciting one.
He rarely went to parties in high school and had only been to one since he started college. His roommate had dragged him there and Caleb had gone home to study less than an hour later.

When Summer reappears after his shower Caleb can't stop himself from staring.
Summer had changed into a light purple shirt which was wide necked and slightly oversized so it slipped off one of his shoulders showing the freckles scattered across his skin like tiny stars.

He's wearing a purple butterfly clip in his hair and sparkly purple eyeshade and apparently he painted his nails at some point in the day because they are also purple.

Caleb tries not to think that Summer is wearing purple because of him but he remembers how last night Summer had asked him what he was wearing to the party.

"I didn't know you wore makeup," Summer says pausing to look Caleb up and down approvingly. The only makeup Caleb is wearing is gold eyeliner which goes beautifully with his brown skin and his purple shirt. Caleb's nails are also purple, a purple that is several shades darker than Summer's and accented with gold details. "It looks good on you," Summer adds.

"You look good too." You're beautiful.

Summer smiles at him. He looks happy and he wears happiness so well. Caleb wants to keep him like this forever.

"I wanted us to match," Summer says. He holds out his hand. "Let's go before mom stops us and tries to take pictures like we're on our way to prom."

"Too late," Ivy speaks up from behind them.

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