Chapter 7. Fever Dream

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I was sick all weekend but thankfully this chapter was already finished.

When Caleb and Summer arrive back Vee is sitting on the porch steps with Shark sitting next to her. They both jump up and run to the car.

"Summer!" Vee tackles him with a hug so enthusiastic that they almost knock him over.

"It hasn't been that long since the last time you saw me," Summer protests. But he hugs them back tightly.

Vee nuzzles their face in his hair affectionately and then turns to Caleb. "So, you must be Caleb. I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?" Caleb does his best not to glance at Summer. Has he been talking about me?

"Yes, Sam talks about you a lot."


Vee catches the faint disappointment in his tone and looks puzzled. Their gaze flits over to Summer and then back to Caleb. They look thoughtful.

Suddenly uneasy that they'll figure out his feelings Caleb turns to Summer who picked up Shark and is murmuring softly to him. "Do you want me to grab your art stuff?"

"Oh, sure. Thank you, Caleb."

Vee collects the food and flowers and follows Caleb into the house. Summer trails after them with Shark snuggled in his arms.

The house is quiet. Its silence the kind that exists only when most of the rooms are empty. Summer misses the comfort of his mom's presence with an intensity that chokes him. But he's too tired for emotions.

"I'm going to take a nap," he says putting Shark down.

"K," Vee hugs him again and for a moment he lets his head rest on their shoulder. "Sleep well, sunshine."

Vee waits until Summer is gone and then swipes one of the muffins that Nora sent home with them and turns to Caleb. "So..."

Caleb knows exactly what they are going to say. "Please don't."

The teasing look on their face softens. "That bad, huh?"

Caleb slumps against the kitchen counter staring dully at the bouquet of lilacs. "Yes."

"How long has it been?" they ask curiously.

Caleb sighs. "Five years."

Ver looks startled. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I've been told I can be obsessive," Caleb says. "That's partly why I'm here. I got too focused on college the last few semesters and kind of sacrificed my health. And not in the normal college way of 'we are all slowly losing it'. No, I had to be different and pass out in class."

"Oof," they say sympathetically. "That would definitely suck."

"It was a little embarrassing. But it was a good wake up call. I'm gonna make coffee, do you want some?"

"No, thanks. Oh, I forgot I came here partly to invite you to my birthday party on Sunday. I've also invited a group of college students that are spending the summer here. One of them mentioned she knows you?"

"You mean Lila? I didn't know she was already here."

"She just got here yesterday. So, do you think you'll come to my party? Summer will be there."

It's a good incentive. "I'd love to."

Vee grins. "Good. I have to go pick up my sister now," they grab another muffin. "Tell Summer I said goodbye. See you Sunday!"

They leave and the house falls silent again. Caleb decides to follow Summer's example and also take a nap. He pauses in the hallway and glances at Summer's partly open door. Through the gap he can see Summer asleep on his bed. He's sprawled across it with his face buried in his pillow. Waffle is sitting on the floor by the bed fighting with a toy. Caleb smiles to himself and goes to his room.
After all his fussing at Summer for staying in the rain it is ironically Caleb who ended up sick. The day after they got back he was tired and listless. He went to see Lila but came home early and napped the rest of the day away. The next morning he woke up with a fever.

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