Chapter 5. Summer's Home

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Summer sleeps the whole four hour drive to his house with his head resting on the window and his hand curled under his neck.

Caleb doesn't mind. It doesn't really matter what he's doing with Summer. He likes just being around him.
Lila would definitely call him a simp and she would be right. But Summer is worth simping over.

Now that he is thinking of Lila he wonders if he should call her soon. They always rant to each other about their crushes.
Caleb has known Lila since high school. They both came out as queer to each other, dated, broke up after six months and they are now best friends who tell each other nearly everything.

Lila has always known about his crush on Summer but he hasn't told her about the more recent events. He's not sure whether she'll be encouraging or tell him should give up. Caleb doesn't want to give up.

In the passenger seat Summer stirs and mumbles something. A ray of golden sunlight dances across his pale skin like a gentle kiss.

Caleb feels a pulse of longing. Why is it when it comes to Summer he always wants more? He's becoming close to him in a way he never could have imagined five years ago and yet he keeps wanting more and he's not sure if he can have it.

It is after noon when Caleb turns onto the dirt drive to Summer's somewhat secluded beach cottage. He stops the car and reaches over to gently shake Summer awake. Summer blinks and sits up looking confused.

"We're at your cottage," Caleb says.

"Oh," Summer blinks again and then his face lights up. "Oh!" He scrambles out of the car and Caleb follows more slowly.

Summer pauses on the little rise by his cottage and looks out over the beach.
This beach is nothing like the one Ivy and Sam live by. There's a wildness to it that the other one didn't have.
The shoreline is rocky and covered in tendrils of dark seaweed. The water is dark gray and crashes against the shore. Bushes of wild roses grow in the dune grass with a few pink roses already blooming. Behind them is mostly forest with a high cliff much farther down the beach.

Caleb understands why Summer would want to live here. It's wildness is breathtakingly beautiful.

"Come on!" Summer kicks off his shoes and grabs Caleb's hand running down the narrow path onto the beach.
He doesn't stop until he reaches the edge of the water. It's cold but he steps into it without hesitation. Caleb pauses just a little out of the waves reach. His hand is still gripped tightly in Summer's. He has no intention of pulling away.

Summer takes a deep breath and tips his head back staring up at the grey sky.
He's missed this place. It feels like home in a whole different way from his childhood home and he loves it just as much.

"It's going to rain," Caleb says quietly, not wanting to disturb him.

Summer glances at the dark horizon. "Storms here are beautiful. If it gets too wild we'll probably have to stay here tonight."

Stay the night. Alone. With Summer. Caleb hopes the storm gets a little wild.

A soft meow makes Summer turn quickly. "Saph!"

A very small orange cat is picking her way across the sand towards them.

Summer is about to run to her when he realizes he's still holding Caleb's hand. He quickly lets go. "Oh. Sorry."

"It's fine."

Caleb's voice sounds off and Summer guiltily reminds himself that not everyone is okay with how touchy he is with people he likes. He and Caleb probably haven't known each other long enough for that.

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