Chapter 17. We Should Be Lovers

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These are the songs I listened to the most while writing this chapter

Summer glances up from his sketchbook and tries to surreptitiously study Caleb as he drives

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Summer glances up from his sketchbook and tries to surreptitiously study Caleb as he drives. He notes the curls falling over Caleb's forehead and adds that detail to his almost finished sketch.

They've been on the road for over four hours now. Summer had started out driving but when they stopped for snacks Caleb had asked if he could drive instead. He claimed he found being a passenger boring but Summer had a feeling it was his driving that Caleb really objected to. He certainly seemed much more relaxed when he was behind the wheel. Summer couldn't exactly blame him. Part of him is still surprised he ever passed his driver's test.

After he sulked about it for a bit Summer decided he was fine with not driving. It gave him a chance to subtly study Caleb and sketch him. He finishes the side profile he was doing and switches to sketching Caleb's hands instead.

He has such pretty hands. Summer thinks he's a little obsessed with them. He likes to watching him do things with him. Baking, writing, driving. He can vividly imagine Caleb using them for...other things. A little too vividly if he's honest. Summer quickly shakes the thought away. He does not want his sketches to take an erotic turn. At least not while he's with Caleb. Later, he tells himself.

"Summer?" Summer jumps slightly when Caleb says his name. He's half afraid that he somehow heard the thoughts he was having. "Yeah?"

"Can you tell me a little about Ares and his fiancé? It would be nice to know something since we'll be staying with them. I don't even know his fiancé's name."

"October," Summer says. "His name is October. He and my ex are actually identical twins. That's how Ares met him."

"Wait, identical twins? Doesn't that mean one of them is trans?"

"Yeah, May is."

"May? She stuck with the theme then?"

"I'm pretty sure she chose her name to create the theme," Summer says. "Anyway, I set Ares and October up in our first year of college. Ares and I have very similar personalities. He's outgoing and makes friends easily. October isn't really a people person. He's pretty reserved and quiet. He and Ares didn't like each other at all when I first introduced them. October can come off as rude and Ares doesn't like rude people and October thought Ares was too energetic and friendly."

"How did they ever end up together?"

"I'm a very good matchmaker," Summer sounds pleased with himself.

Caleb shakes his head. "I see."

"You doubt my skills?"

"I'm not sure setting up one couple counts as skills. It could just be luck."

Summer huffs. "Technically I set up my mom and Sam too. I just didn't mean to."

He's cute when he's sulking so Caleb teases him for a few more minutes before they are both distracted by their arrival at the town they are staying in for the night. It's too early for them to check in at their bed and breakfast so they go to a cafe instead.

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