Chapter 15. Comfort Person

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I edited this chapter to Moon Byul's new album Starlit of Muse. It's really good. My favorite song on it is Attention Seeker.

Summer kept his promise and called Caleb every single one of the eight extra days he stayed in France

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Summer kept his promise and called Caleb every single one of the eight extra days he stayed in France. Their phone calls often lasted two or three hours. It was so easy to talk to Summer that Caleb never ran out of things to say. Sometimes neither of them even said anything. They just did their own thing while remaining on the phone so if one of them did want to say something they always could.

It didn't occur to Caleb that he was the only one Summer was talking to daily until Sam asked Ivy how Summer was doing and she said she hadn't heard from him in a couple of days. Caleb decided not to mention that he had spoken to Summer that day. They had talked for almost four hours before Summer fell asleep.

And it wasn't just phone calls. Summer would text him throughout the day and even sent photos. And he kept flirting. A lot.

"But some people do flirt with their friends," Caleb flops face first on Vee's bed. "How am I supposed to know?"

"Summer doesn't flirt with his friends," Vee points out as they sit cross legged on their bed. "The only people I've ever seen him flirt with were strangers who he saw as potential hookups. But you aren't a stranger and if he wanted to just hookup with you he would have told you by now. But I honestly don't think he would ever casually hookup with you since you are Sam's brother and you are important to him. There is a very high chance he is actually interested in you."

Caleb raises his head from the bed. "You think so?"

"Yeah," Vee nods encouragingly. "Have you been flirting back? I think you should definitely flirt back and be as obvious as you can be. Summer can be a bit oblivious sometimes."

"I have been flirting back," Caleb says. "And I've been very obvious. Do you think I should just tell him I like him? I don't want to go back to college without at least trying."

"He comes home on Friday, right? You could give him like a week to recover and then tell him. That also gives you time to figure out how you want to do it."

"Oh, I already know how I want to do it. I've been planning it for years."

Vee laughs fondly. "I keep forgetting you've liked him for so long."

"Speaking of liking people," Caleb rolls over to look at them. "How are you and Lila doing?"

Vee grabs one of their pillows and throws it as his face. "You're going to have to ask her yourself," they saying hopping off the bed. "Come on, you still have to show me how to assemble the bienmesabe."

True to his word Caleb was teaching Vee how to make some of the Venezuelan dishes his mom taught him. They were starting with his favorite dessert. A kind of cake called bienmesabe.

"I'm picking up Summer on Friday," Caleb tells Vee while he shows them how to assemble the cake. "Sam and Ivy will be at work."

He didn't tell them that Ivy was going to take the day off but Summer had asked Caleb to pick him up instead. Caleb wasn't sure if that meant something or not.
Is there a particular reason he would ask for me to pick him up?

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