Chapter 18. The Two of Us

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Another Caleb collage. I love my calm, quiet boy.

Summer sits cross legged on the bed while he waits for Caleb to finish getting ready for bed

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Summer sits cross legged on the bed while he waits for Caleb to finish getting ready for bed. He's been texting Vee although he didn't mention he and Caleb were together now.
If he had Vee would have called and demanded explanations immediately. They knew something was going on though and they were going back and forth between encouraging Summer and asking for details.

Summer distracts them by asking about Lila and receives a wall of text about how amazing she is. Caleb comes out of the bathroom while he is still reading through it. "I think Lila and Vee are worse than us," he says showing his phone to Caleb.

"I have had similar texts from Lila," Caleb says trying to hide how thrilled he is by the 'us'.

"It's nice to know they are equally obsessed with each other." Summer sets his phone on the nightstand. "C'mere I want bedtime cuddles."

Caleb smiles fondly and joins him on the bed. Summer takes his rightful spot on his boyfriend's lap and snuggles his face against Caleb's shoulder. Caleb's hand rubs up and down his back.

"Fair warning," Summer says after a moment, "I get much more cuddly when I'm dating. I am very clingy. You are going to get sick of me."

"I don't think that's possible." Caleb kisses Summer's hair just because he can do that now. "I love cuddling you."

Summer mumbles something against his shoulder which sounds like an agreement. He's already half asleep.

"I didn't know you had tattoos," Caleb says suddenly.

"Hm? Oh, right. I forgot you could see them now. My shorts are usually just long enough to hide them." Summer is wearing an oversized baby blue shirt which keeps slipping off his shoulder and boxer briefs. Along the insides of his thighs is a scattering of many tiny flower tattoos in pastel shades. Caleb runs his fingers over them and Summer shivers a little and snuggles closer.

"I got them my last year in college," he says as his eyes close. The way Caleb is rubbing his back is making him very sleepy. He dozes off for a few moments only to wake up when Caleb tries to gently ease him off his lap. Not awake enough for words he makes a noise of protest.

"You're falling asleep, Summer," Caleb says. "Let's get you to bed, yeah?"

Summer gives in without another protest. When Caleb turns off the light and slips in next to him he immediately reattaches himself to him as if trying to make up for the lost cuddle time.

"You weren't joking about the clingy part," Caleb says when Summer snuggles as close as he can get.

"Want me to move?"

"No," Caleb pulls him closer which Summer didn't think was possible. "I like it."

They are both quiet and Caleb is certain Summer has fallen asleep when he says, "Those aren't my only tattoos, you know. Maybe sometime you'll get a chance to find the others."

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