Chapter 1: Beware the Beast from Below ( Part 1 )

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Mer was currently sitting in a cell next to the cell the gang were celebrating in, with her arms crossed and a pout.

Velma: Another mystery bites the dust!

Fred: Way to go, gang!

Daphne: Let's celebrate!

Scooby: Yeah, celebrate.

Sheriff Stone closes the door to the gang's cell.

Sheriff Stone: Better idea.

Fred: Aw, come on, sheriff.

Sheriff Stone: Just cork it. You see this badge? Know why it's here?

Velma: It came with the shirt?

Mer: You found it in the trash?

Sheriff Stone: It's here because if there's a crime, I solve it.

Mer: Why am I in here? I'm nine.

Sheriff Stone: You're kidding, right?

( Flashback )

While Sheriff Stone and a few officers were arresting the gang with Mer nowhere to be seen, the walkie talkie in Fred's pocket turned on, and they heard Mer's voice through it.

Mer: Gang, we are reloaded and ready to fire. If you want me to fire, literally reply with any word.

Sheriff Stone grabbed the walkie talkie and turned it on without thinking.

Sheriff Stone: Kid-

A net was then fired out of nowhere, and it lands on the other officers, causing them to fall to the ground as they were stuck in the net.

Sheriff Stone: What the?! ( Shouts: ) MER!!!!!

The camera moves to a nearby building's rooftop. Mer was seen on the rooftop, holding a net launcher that Fred had gave her.

Mer: Damnit, I missed.... I was aiming for the sheriff.

( back to the present )

Mer: Oh, yeah... For the record, I want to point out, that it was Fred that gave me the net launcher. Plus it ain't my fault that you're a perfect living target.

Sheriff Stone ignores Mer's comment and walks to the door.

Sheriff Stone: Oh, and by the way, I've called all your parents, who, by now, I have on speed dial. Oh, you are in trouble. Especially you, Fred. Say hi to dad, the mayor.

Sheriff Stone then leaves the room.

Mer: and with that...we are doomed.

Daphne: Just once, it would be nice if someone thanked us for solving a mystery.

Fred: Good thing we're not in this to be liked.

The gang and Mer glared at him after he said that.

Fred: . . . Maybe that didn't come out quite right.

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