Chapter 5: The Creeping Creatures ( Part 1 )

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The gang were stuck inside the Mayor's house because of the rain outside. Mer was sitting on the floor and was doing something on her laptop, which was on her lap.

Mer: Ugh, I'm so bored. There hasn't been a good mystery for so long.... I'm running out of comebacks to say whenever Sheriff Stone annoys me when he talks to me.

Daphne: Fred, I think I've read every magazine in your house. ( sees something in the couch ) What's that.

Fred: No, don't, oh.

Fred tried to stop Daphne, but he ended up flying over the couch to the floor.

Daphne: Traps Illustrated. Freddy.

Fred: I, uh, I read it for the articles, in fact it's where I got the idea for this beauty.

The gang then saw the trap that Fred had set up in his front door.

Velma: Who do you expect to trap outside your front door?

When the doorbell rang, the person who rang it screamed as he got caught in the trap.

Fred: Let's find out.

Mer: ( blankly, as she has her eyes on her laptop: ) It's a mailman.

The rest of the gang followed Fred to the front door, while Mer stayed where she was. Then Mer got a mysterious email on her laptop, she clicked on it out of curiosity and it read " Dear Mer Dynamite, I know you've been having headaches every morning. Believe it or not, theses headaches are caused by something else, something that some people that you care about feel that you aren't quite ready or old enough to learn the truth behind it, and how exactly you got left on that beach. But, I believe that you will find out the truth one way or another, so, here's your first clue. From, you're newest friend, Pro. P ", below the email was a picture of a giant cat that looked a lot like Gig-meow-tic, but this giant cat looked to be ten times bigger than the giant kitten.

 P ", below the email was a picture of a giant cat that looked a lot like Gig-meow-tic, but this giant cat looked to be ten times bigger than the giant kitten

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( A/n: This is what the picture looks like. Say " Meow " if you have a bad feeling about this mysterious email. )

Mer: ( silently: ) " Pro. P "? What psycho send me this? How did they- What-what do they mean by-

Velma: Mer! Come check this out.

Mer closed her laptop and went to the gang and saw that they have gotten a package.

Mer: Please tell that it's not...

Velma: It's from Mr. E.

Mer: ( sarcastically: ) Great, he somehow knows where Fred lives. That's totally not creepy at all.

Daphne: Mr. E gives me the creeps as well, Mer.

Fred then opens the package and looks through inside.

Daphne: Fred, careful that could be a bomb.

Fred takes out a purse that looked to be made out of gator skin, which caused Mer to glare at the purse in disgust.

Daphne: Ooh, strike that. Cute purse.

Mer: It's made out of an apex predator's skin. It's wrong in my book.

Fred: ( reads the label on the purse: ) 100% pure Gator. Made in Gatorsburg.

Daphne: But that's impossible. Gatorsburg hasn't manufactured gator products in decades.

Velma: Not since the gator mines dried up.

Scooby: ( in terror: ) Gator mines.

Velma: Gatorsburg was founded back in the 1800's when a group of prospectors searching for gold struck something much more vulnerable, alligators.

Mer: Gatorsburg had more alligators than anywhere in the world. Overnight Gatorsburg became a boom town, the town became famous for its gator skin products. Yuck!

Velma: Then the Gator wells ran dry, Gatorsburg became a ghost town.

Shaggy: But, like, Freddy it says it was made in Gatorsburg.

Scooby then sniffs the bag.

Scooby: Ooh, smells new.

Fred: Gang, we have a mystery on our hands.

Mer: ( happily: ) And this time the Sheriff can't arrest us for solving it because it's in another town.

Velma: Oh, sweet Christmas, finally!

Mer: I'll grab my stuff.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on who you think sent Mer the email or what you think will happen next chapter.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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