Chapter 8: The Creeping Creatures ( Part 4 )

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The gang and Gig-meow-tic found the gator people at the docks. While the gang were distracted, Gig-meow-tic walked off out of their sight and ear range. She then began to lowly growl in pain as she began to shrink and her fur slowly began to disappear, the giant kitten slowly began to detransform into Mer. Once it was over, Mer woke up with a headache and looked at her surroundings in confusion and shock.

Mer: What the f-

( With the gang )

The gang had snuck over to a pile of crates and Velma opened them with a crowbar. She looked inside and took a belt out.

Velma: " 100% pure gator " This belt is just like the purse Mr. E sent us.

Scooby then ripped the bag the belt was in.

Shaggy: ( sad ) Like, if only Mer was here, she would say something about how, like, this town was okay with gator murder or-

The rest of the gang were shock as Mer walked to them, behind Shaggy.

Mer: Shaggy, what the heck are you talking about? I mean it's true, but-

Shaggy: Now I'm hearing her voice-

Mer: Turn around.

Shaggy turned around to see Mer, who had her arms crossed as she looked at him with a raised brow.

Shaggy: Mer! ( hugs Mer ) You're okay!

Mer: I may be nine, but I'm fine. ( gently pushed Shaggy away ) Now let go of me, and let's solve this mystery so I can get rid of this headache I woke up with. So the belt is made out of gator like the purse?

Daphne: Let me see that.

Daphne takes the belt and wraps it around her arm, before she grunts in pain and drops the belt.

Fred: What happened?

Daphne: I'm allergic to imitation animal skin, leather, fur, it all makes me break out.

Velma: That belt isn't a 100% real gator.

Mer: As much as I love hearing that, this is proof that these three gators are doing something I know is illegal. So...

Fred: We have to stop them.

Mer: Also, which one of you has my backpack?

( slight time skip )

Shaggy and Scooby then went up to the gator people.

Shaggy: Like, you gator freaks, you are the ugliest crocodiles ever.

Gator person #3: Who are you calling a crocodile?

Gator person #2: Get them!

As the gator people chased Shaggy and Scooby, who were screaming, Daphne and Fred held up the belts for the trap. Scooby and Shaggy stepped over the loop holes and ran away, while the gator people stepped in them, causing the gator people to get throw up into the sky, hit by a sheet, then they bounced on a trampoline, and into boxes.

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