Chapter 11: The Secret of The Ghost Rig ( part 3 )

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It was the next day and the gang, minus Daphne, were on their way to City Hall. Mer was in the back of the van.... sitting in a pink kid car seat that was strapped in between the back of the driver and passenger seats and she was wearing a cute, pink kitty cat bike helmet with a very displeased expression and her arms crossed. Shaggy and Scooby were trying to contain their laughter.

Mer: Sleep with one eye open, Fred Jones.

Fred: Oh, come on, Mer. It's not that bad, plus I made some modifications on the car seat.

Mer looks and sees that one of the armrest of her new car seat seem to have a remote panel with buttons that had different pictures on them, installed in the armrest.

Mer: Fred, what do the buttons do?

Fred: Oh, they just activate some traps that are installed in the car seat in case if you are in danger inside the car and we're not there to protect you.

Mer: I'm not even going to question how. But why a kitty cat helmet?

Fred: Because it matched with the car seat.

Mer: This is ridiculous.

Velma: It's for your own safety, Mer. You'll have to get used to it.

When they got to and inside the City Hall, and they saw that the crystal door knobs there were gone now.

Fred: Check it out. The doorknobs are missing here too. 

???: Typical.

Fred, Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby screamed while Mer just turned around and looked at the man running against Mayor Jones, George Avacados.

George Avacados: I assure you, there will be no shortage of door knobs when George Avacados is mayor. Missing door knobs mean angry voters.

George Avacados then left while laughing evilly.

Mer: I think that guy has a screw loose somewhere in his brain.

Shaggy: Like, yeah, that Avocados guy gives me the creeps.

Scooby: ( scared: ) Creeps, creeps! Where are the creeps?-

Mer: It's just a figure of speech, Scoob.

Velma: I don't know maybe Scooby's on to something. After all it's avocados who benefits from the missing door knobs.

Fred: Good point, maybe it's time we set a trap for the Crystal Cove knob stealer.

( A few hours later )

The gang had set up all the traps for the Ghost truck, Mer was silently questioning where the heck Fred got the shark.

Velma: Too bad Daphne missed all the fun setting up all these traps.

Fred: Yeah, but I bet she's having a great time on her date.

Mer: The guy probably showed up to the date late.

Suddenly Mer's phone went off and she answered the call and put it on speaker as soon as she saw that it was Angel Dynamite.

Angel: We got some news baby, the tires that made treads on the highway were only sold to two people in Crystal Cove, Jean G. Nurno Treddal and George Avacados.

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