Chapter 4: Beware the Beast from Below ( Part 4 )

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The gang looked around, and Mer noticed something as she saw that there was another hole 20 yards away.

Fred: This is the same cave we were in the other day.

Velma: It must run right underneath Fruitmeir's.

Daphne: And check this out, someone's been digging.

Mer: And according to my memory of the layout of the town; the hole 20 yards away from the one that we fell from, it puts it... ( thinks for a few seconds ) directly underneath Crystal Cove Bank.

Velma: And according to my GPS Program, Mer's correct.

Shaggy: Dude, like, why would a slime mutant bust a hole through Fruitmeir's to get into a bank?

Scooby: Maybe it's hungry.

Fred: Yeah, hungry for money.

Velma: I smell a trap coming on.

( Slight Time Skip )

Mer was hiding from a ledge high above, she watched as the monster chased the gang, and she grabbed a slingshot and some music discs. She then saw that Fred's trap didn't exactly work, instead of trapping the monster in a cage, it trapped Fred, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby.

Mer: ( thoughts: ) I could've told Fred he made a few miscalculations, but I didn't want to ruin his fun.

Mer then saw that the monster trapped the four in the cage in slime, and began chasing Daphne. As the four began eating the slime they were trapped in, Mer fired two music discs at the slime.

Fred, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby saw the two disc fly towards them, and the discs somehow cutted the slime, freeing them. Mer then made her way down and ran to them with a smile.

Mer: Come on, Daphne needs us.

Velma: How did you know that the discs wouldn't hurt us?

Mer: Because I aimed at the slime. Now, you might want to take a step back and cover your eyes.

Mer pulled out a blowtorch and a mask, she calmly puts on the mask.

Shaggy: Like, where do you get this stuff, Mer?

Mer: That doesn't matter right now, Shaggy.

Mer then used the blowtorch to free her friends from the cage. She then turns the blowtorch off and takes off the mask.

Fred: Let's go gang!

( Slight Time Skip, in Fruitmeir's )

Fred, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, and Mer grabbed the hose that was in the restaurant, and blasted the monster to the wall with the Fruitmeir's dessert, saving Daphne before it could get her.

Daphne: Fred! You saved me!

Mer crossed her arms with a pout at Daphne, for giving Fred all the credit in saving her from the monster.

Fred: Not right now, Daphne. I have to figure out why my trap didn't work.

Sheriff Stone then burst through the door, he and Mayor Jones walked in the restaurant.

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