Chapter 2: Beware the Beast from Below ( Part 2 )

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( Crystal Cove High School )

In the classroom, Professor Raffalo writes " photosynthesis" on the blackboard.

Professor Raffalo: All right. Who can tell me what photosynthesis is?

The students raise their hands.

Professor Raffalo: And please don't say " plant farts. "

The students lower their hands. Then the gang burst into the classroom with the cocooned body.

Professor Raffalo: Huh?

Fred: Professor Raffalo? We need your help.

The class then flee from the room as they scream.

Professor Raffalo: Couldn't you kids have waited for break?

Mer: What's the fun in that? Also, to answer your question... ( calmly, as if it was something a normal kid should know: ) Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.

The gang and Professor Raffalo looked at Mer in shock.

Mer: What? Did you think I've skipped grades because they wanted to avoid my mischief? I'm probably equally as smart as Velma.

While Professor Raffalo and the gang were investigating the body, Mer was in the background and watched as Scooby finds a squirrel in an enclosure box eating snacks. He spies on some of them in a small bowl.

Scooby: Mmm. Scooby Snacks.

Mer calmly watched Scooby as he opens the enclosure and takes the bowl of snacks, which the squirrel notices, screeches, and starts attacking Scooby. Mer then went to help Scooby get the squirrel off of him.

Professor Raffalo: ( to the gang: ) The sheriff okayed this?

Mer managed to pull the squirrel off of Scooby, it quickly calmed down in her hands, and she put it back in its enclosure and gave it it's bowl of snacks back.

Fred: Uh, of course he did. What, do you think we stole a body? ( laughs ) That's- That's rich. Ha ha.

Fred then escorts the gang out of the classroom.

( Slight Time Skip )

The gang were now at Fruitmeir's and were getting ice cream while Franklin Fruitmeir was making a boat out of balloons.

Franklin Fruitmeir: Welcome, everyone, to Fruitmeir's. Remember, it's not ice cream. It's not yogurt. Would anyone like a shrimping boat made out of circus balloons?

Velma: I don't get it. All this fuss over- What is this stuff again?

Shaggy, Scooby, and Mer walked up to the gang with a tray of the Fruitmeir's dessert, and Mer was holding a small cup of the dessert with a spoon.

Shaggy: You heard Franklin Fruitmeir. It's a secret! That's why they call it-

Shaggy, Mer, and Scooby: ( at the same time: ) Fruitmeir's!

Mer calmly ate a spoonful of the dessert while Shaggy and Scooby noisly chowed down on the green soft served dessert on the tray. The gang then left the building.

Fred: Hey, you know, if that cocoon does turn out to be organic, we might have a real honest-to-goodness monster in Crystal Cove, like possibly that giant kitten.

Velma: My guess? The cocoon is a multicelled mutation, probably a result of radiated allotropes and free radical implosion. As for the giant kitten, we haven't even caught a glimpse of it, but I think it's growth could also be a result to radiation. What do you think, Shaggy?

Mer then looked at Velma and Shaggy with a raised brow as Velma holds Shaggy's hand.

Shaggy: Uhh, I think I want more Fruitmeir's!

Scooby: ( laughs ) Yeah, me too!

Shaggy and Scooby went back inside the restaurant.

Daphne: Velma, is there something going on between you and Shaggy?

Velma: No. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why would anything ever be going on between me and Shaggy?

Velma walks off, arms crossed. Fred, Daphne, and Mer share a confused look at each other. Mer then started walking off.

Mer: Teen drama.

Fred: Mer, I don't think it's safe for you to be by yours-

Mer: I'll be fine. I pick pocked Sheriff Stone's tazer when he wasn't looking.

Mer then walked off and started walking home, then Angel pulls up to Mer, in her car, and she opens the passenger door for Mer from inside.

Mer: ( to Angel, with a smile: ) How do you always know where I am?

Angel: It's a mom instinct, baby. Come on, let's get you home before dark.

Mer then went in the car and closed the car door. They then drive off.

( Later that night )

Sheriff Stone was now on the beach with his grill and his deputy, cooking some steaks.

Sheriff Stone: She should be showing up any second now. Never forget the importance of making sure our town's most popular attraction is nice and fed, Bucky. Especially when she's the size of a tank- Oh, there she is.

Sheriff Stone and Deputy Bucky saw Gig-meow-tic on the beach, running towards them, and she stopped a few feet away from them and meowed at them with a purr.

Sheriff Stone: Here you go, girl. It's your favorite, medium-rare rib-eye!

Sheriff Stone then used the tongs to pick up a rib-eye steak and he tossed it to the giant kitten, who easily caught it and ain't it happily.

Sheriff Stone: ( to his deputy: ) Believe it or not, she can eat about 80 of these, and this is where some of our town's money is going to taking care of this beauty.

Deputy Bucky: How big do you think she'll be when she's fully grown?

Sheriff Stone: I have no idea, but the bigger she gets, the more tourists. ( to Gig-meow-tic, happily: ) Tomorrow night is chicken night, Gig-meow.

Gig-meow-tic responded with a purr as Sheriff Stone pets her giant head.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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