Chapter 6: The Creeping Creatures ( Part 2 )

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The gang arrived in Gatorsburg and they stopped in the middle of the town, and got out of the van. The whole town was old and looked like no one had cleaned it in ages.

Velma: This is what happens when a civilization is founded on an entirely gator-based economy.

Mer: And, this is what happens when you mess with mother nature by killing her creations for greed.

Fred: Alright, Gang. Let's split up and look for clues.

Mer wandered off to look for clues, and something caught her eye, she went up to it and saw that it was a necklace with a pawprint charm that the words " Melody File " write on the back of the charm. She picked it up and looked at it with curiosity.

Mer: " Melody File "? Why does that sound familiar?-

Fred: Let's go gang, there's nothing to trap here.

Mer puts the necklace in her backpack before rejoining the gang.

Scooby: Time to go.

Fred: Looks like Mr. E sent us on a wild goose chase.

The gang then went inside the van.

Shaggy: Ah, yeah, more like a wild Gator chase.

Fred turned the key to start the van, but it didn't turn on.

Fred: Hm, that's weird.

The gang then followed Fred as he got out of the van and checked on the engine. Mer's eyes widened when she saw that the ENTIRE engine was gone.

Daphne: Can you tell what the problem is, Fred?

Fred: You see that hole there? That should be an engine.-

Mer: HOW?! JUST HOW?! That engine is either 400 or 700 pounds! No normal human being can just steal an engine like it's a piece of candy from a candy store without people noticing!-

Suddenly they heard something drive over to them, and turned to see a large truck and a tall, grizzly man stepped out of the vehicle.

Tall, grizzly man: You kids are in some serious trouble.

Shaggy whimpered and gulped, Scooby hid behind Mer, who wasn't intimidated by the man.

Mer: Uh, no duh.

Tall, grizzly man: ( as he picks Fred up by his shirt ) Care to tell me what y'all doing in Gatorsburg?

Mer: ( with a serious expression: ) Oi! Put my friend down. Now.

Daphne: Our van broke down.

Mer: Maybe you should take a look at it after you put my friend down, and before I kick you in the d-

Shaggy covers Mer's mouth, to stop her from angering the tall scary man. She just crossed her arms and glared at the man, before she gently pushed Shaggy away.

Tall, grizzly man: Why the heck should I help you?

Velma: Because you're a mechanic.

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