Chapter 3: Beware the Beast from Below ( Part 3 )

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Mer was at the station lounge of K-Ghoul, and was watching over Fred, who was sleeping on a record player due to him finding out that Professor Raffalo was cocooned and Fred blames himself for it. Angel and the gang then walks in.

Daphne: Fred. It's us. We're here for you.

Scooby licks Fred's hair, waking him up.

Fred: It's no use, gang. I was the one who stole the body, and Professor Raffalo paid the price. I should have listened to my dad and stayed out of any new mysteries.

Mer: We all helped steal the body, Fred.

Shaggy: Well, I actually never t-

Both Velma and Mer elbowed Shaggy.

Shaggy: Ow! Ok, fine. Yes. We all took part, Freddy.

Daphne: Fred Jones, you've never backed away from a mystery in your life.

Fred: I've got nothing!

Mer: ( rolls her eyes ) Oh brother.

Velma: Man up, Fred. We still have our first clue, the cocoon.

Mer turned around and saw that Scooby was eating the cocoon sample.

Velma: I brought a sample-

Mer: Scooby! That's gross!

Everyone turned and saw that Scooby was eating some of the goo.

Velma: Scooby! What are you doing?

Scooby: What? It's Fruitmeir's! Yummy! ( continues eating )

Velma: Eww.

Angel: Check it out. If that dog mutates and attacks my baby, I'm putting it down, dig?

Shaggy: Like, hold on. I think I get it.

Shaggy then tastes some of the goo sample.

Everyone: Eww.

Shaggy: No, you guys, it's Fruitmeir's. The cocoon is made of the same stuff as Fruitmeir's dessert.

Everyone: What?

Everyone else minus Mer taste tested the sample.

Daphne: They're right. But if the cocoon is made of Fruitmeir's dessert...

Shaggy: That means if we capture the monster, we can have our own shop, and we can have an endless supply of Fruitmeir's dessert. Oh, boy.-

Mer: I'm pretty sure that's illegal, Shaggy. Because you are selling a product as your own-

Fred: No. It means that slime mutant may not be a monster at all. What do we know about Franklin Fruitmeir?

Mer: ( knowingly: ) Franklin Fruitmeir showed up in town out of nowhere two months ago. Before that, nothing. He's hiring right now for female servers.

The gang and Angel looked at her, Mer knew that they were questioning how she knew this.

Mer: ( sighs ) I keep track of anything odd or strange that goes on in this town whenever I'm bored and there aren't any mysteries to solve, plus when I saw him when he first came to town, he was showing signs of nervousness whenever he was near a cop for a good month and ten weeks.

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