Chapter 10: The Secret of The Ghost Rig ( part 2 )

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The gang were now driving around town. Mer was in the back with Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby.

Fred: We sure missed you today, Daph. Everything okay at home?

Daphne: Sure, yeah, of course. That's a weird question.

Fred and Velma looked strangely at Daphne while Mer just raised her brow at Daphne's response to Fred's question.

Shaggy: Oh boy, after all that campaigning I can't wait to dig into a triple clam pizza at the Clam Cabin.

Scooby: Yeah, I'm with you, Shaggy.

Mer: ( to Shaggy and Scooby: ) I'm with you two, I kinda accidentally skipped breakfast this morning when I went to go to City Hall. But I'm more of the fan of the cabin's fried clams.

Scooby: Delicious!

Velma: ( silently: ) I should have seen that coming.

Mer: ( to Scooby: ) Race ya to the cabin?

Scooby: You're on.

The mystery machine drove up to the Clam Cabin, Mer and Scooby dashed past Shaggy and Velma, making them spin. Scooby and Mer walked up to the door to the Clam Cabin, and they saw that the door knob was gone.

Mer: What the?

Scooby: The door knob's missing.

Shaggy: Oh, now we can't get in, oh boy, like, my stomach gets very grumpy when I don't feed it.

Skipper Shelton walks up, and they see him in the door's window.

Skipper Shelton: We be all closed. Someone stole me crystal door knob just like that clam that stole me nose. ( walks away )

Mer: That's weird.

Fred: Who'd want to steal door knobs?

Velma: ( flirtatiously: ) You know, Shag, I have plenty of food back at my place.

Scooby Doo then walked up and opened his mouth, showing his tongue, which was tattooed.

Shaggy: Um, like, thanks Velma, but Scooby Doo has had his tongue tattooed with a map of every single pizza joint in town. As you can see, we got it covered.

Shaggy then pulled Scooby's tongue down and up as it rolled back up, causing Velma to get covered in drool.

Velma: Yeah, in drool.

Mer then pulled a towel out of her backpack and hands it to Velma.

Velma: Thanks, Mer. How many things do you carry in your backpack anyway?

Mer: Just some normal daily supplies. We all know how I like to be prepared for anything.

( Slight Time Skip, after getting something to eat )

The gang were now driving on the road.

Daphne: You know, I heard someone stole all the crystal door knobs at school.

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