Chapter 12: The Secret of The Ghost Rig ( part 4 )

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The mystery machine drove faster as the Ghost truck disappeared in the fog. Mer had her arms crossed as she was still in the car seat. Scooby lets out a sigh of relief.

Scooby: I think we lost it-

Mer: It's in front of us.

And she was right, the Ghost truck was in front of them and heading straight towards them. Fred then drove the van backwards into a corner and turned the headlights off. Fred then made Velma duck.

Fred: ( quietly, to the gang: ) Nobody make a sound.

Mer rolled her eyes as Scooby duck and whimpers while covering his eyes. Mer then heard the sounds of the ghost truck driving past them.

Velma: It worked, he didn't see us.

Mer: We don't know the gender of the driver yet, it could be a girl.

( Slight Time Skip, at the Bloody Stake )

Mer was still in her car seat in the van while the rest of the gang went inside the restaurant to get Daphne. She then pulled her laptop from her backpack and when she turned it on, she saw that she had gotten another message from Pro. P with a picture of the newspaper article about the day Mer was found as a baby.

Mer: This guy again? 

She clicked on the message and it said " Dear Mer Dynamite, this hasn't been the first time someone has put you somewhere you don't belong. Here's your second clue to the mystery of your origins. Look closely at the car seat you were found in. From your dearest friend, Pro. P "

Mer: Huh? The car seat...?

Mer looks closely at the picture of Sheriff Stone holding the baby car seat baby Mer was in, on the newspaper. She noticed that the car seat and the baby clothes baby Mer was wearing in were blue and looked to be more fitted for a baby boy, not a baby girl.

Mer: Hold on... Don't parents normally get pink stuff for a baby girl, not blue? How come the-

The whole gang went in the van, making Mer close her laptop. Mer then noticed that Fred was wearing a purple ascot, not a orange one. She then heard the gang put something in the van.

Mr E: " Greetings, everyone, this is Mr. E "

Mer: ( groans ) Not him again.

Shaggy: ( scared: ) Yeah, the last time we heard from this dude, he told us we were doomed.

Mr E: If you want to solve the mystery, you need to follow the fog. Remember, crystals can't open doors like a diamond. Talk soon.

Velma: That either means absolutely nothing or it's a clue.

Mer: ( silently, to self with curiosity: ) "Crystals can't open doors like a diamond"

Daphne: But how do we know we can trust Mr. E? For all we know he could be the Ghost trucker.

Fred: Don't worry, Daph, I wouldn't let anything happen to you.

Daphne: You wouldn't, Fred?

Mer: ( Thoughts: ) Wait for it...

Fred: Of course not. I wouldn't let anything like that happen to my pals, you're all the same in my eyes.

Mer: ( Thoughts: ) ... there's the friend zone. I swear, it's confusing as heck, does he have feelings for her as well or not? Make up your mind already.

Velma: Whether we can trust Mr E or not. A lead's a lead and we need to follow it.

Daphne then noticed Mer's new car seat and helmet.

Daphne: Fred, you know pink isn't Mer's color.

Mer: Thank you! And he keeps having me stay in the van while they get to do the fun stuff, Daphne.

Daphne: Fred...

Fred: Mer's safer in the van in the car seat for this mystery.

Daphne: Doesn't Mer already have stuff in her backpack that's helps keep her safe?

Fred: Yeah... But-

Mer: Fred, if you leave me in this van, in this car seat again, I will paint this entire vehicle pink while you are gone, and I mean the ENTIRE van.

Fred: Alright, looks like Mer is coming with us for the rest of this mystery.

Mer: Wise choice, Fred Jones.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think the meaning of Pro. P's second clue to Mer is.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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