Chapter 9: The Secret of The Ghost Rig ( part 1 )

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Mer and the gang, except Daphne, were inside City Hall, and Mer was wearing her backpack.

Fred: Thanks for coming along, gang. I really need the support. It's never a good thing when my dad asks me to meet at his office.

Shaggy: Like, dude, no problemo.

Scooby: Yeah, no problemo.

Mer: Don't worry, I have something to help us, in case we need a quick getaway.

Velma: Too bad Daphne couldn't make it. Trust me, she'd love to be here for you if she could.

Mer: ( whispers, to Scooby: ) I bet ya a soda that her parents are trying to set Daphne up with someone.

Mayor Jones then walked out of his office and into the hall.

Mayor Jones: Ah, Fred my boy! Today is a very exciting day for you, because today you learn the family business: politics!

Fred: Politics? That's adult stuff! You know, kids my age are into traps and solving mysteries!

Mayor Jones: No, they're not, son! You're going to learn the vital things I do for this community, like create pamphlets and strategize about new places to put parking meters.

Velma: ( quietly: ) I know a place he can put another parking meter.

Mer stiffened a laugh from hearing what Velma said.

Fred: Fine, what do you want me to do to help?

Mayor Jones: Help me get re-elected as mayor, make 40,000 copies of this campaign pamphlet.

Fred took the pamphlet and looked at it. Mer rolled her eyes at the idea of Mayor Jones getting re-elected.

Shaggy: Don't worry, Freddy. We'll get your dad elected again and you'll be back to solving mysteries in no time.

Scooby: Yeah! Vote for Fred Senior! Vote for Fred Senior!

As Scooby took the pamphlet and went to the copier, Mer went around the corner as she knew what was going to happen. She then pulled out her laptop as she heard the sound of the copier exploding. She then hacked into Mayor Jones's computer and print out a new pamphlet on the printer that was down the hall. When she got to the printer, her phone rang.

Mer: ( picks up her phone ) Hello?

Mr E: Hello, Mer Dynamite.

Mer: ( as she grabbed the new pamphlet while talking to Mr E on the phone: ) Ugh, Mr E. What do you want now? To send me and my friends to another gator town?

Mr E: I wanted to warn you about this " Pro. P " that has been sending you mysterious emails lately.

Mer: Okay, I'm just letting you know, that my mom is wanting your head for trapping me and the gang in Gatorsburg, so I have to warn you that you are on thin ice. Meaning you shouldn't know what is on my laptop.

Mer then pulled out a stapler from her backpack and began to staple the new pamphlet together as she continued talking to Mr E on the phone.

Mr E: He is not to be trusted, Mer-

Mer: And neither are you. All you've done and is told us that we were doom, sent us to and trapped us in Gatorsburg, and now you are mysteriously calling a nine year old girl. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't seem like the kind of person you can trust, does it?

Mr E: I'm just trying to look out for you, Mer.

Mer: I can look out for myself just fine, punk. Now, don't call me again and stay away from my laptop, you got no business snooping into it. You ain't my father or any kind of family member in the slightest. ( Hangs up on Mr E )

Mer then went back to the gang as they were about to leave.

Fred: There you are, Mer. We thought you went back to the Mystery Machine.

Mer: Now. ( hands Fred the new Vote for Fred Senior pamphlet ) I just went to make us a backup for ya, in case Scooby ruined the one your dad gave ya.

Fred: Wow. Thanks, Mer.

Mer: ( happily: ) Anything for my friends. Now, let's go get Daphne.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think about why Mr E tried to look out for Mer and warn her about Pro. P.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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