Chapter 7: The Creeping Creatures ( Part 3 )

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Gig-meow-tic meowed in slight distress as the room she was in was too small, she then peaked an eye out of her window, before she pressed her front paws against the wall, and....her paws phased through the wall like a ghost and soon she walked through the walls to outside without making a sound. She purred silently as she began walking around the building and to the mystery machine, but when she got there she saw that Scooby was getting attacked by gator people. She then meowed angrily and she ran to help Scooby as the two gator people close behind him. She batted at one of the gator people with her paw, her back arched, and a low growl. Scooby took this as his chance to escape and went inside the hotel. Gig-meow-tic saw this and quickly went around the hotel, peaking through the windows to look for Scooby-Doo with worry as the gator people burst into the hotel.

( Meanwhile, inside the hotel, with Fred and Daphne )

Fred was explaining to Daphne about the traps in his scrapbook, not knowing what's going on.

Fred: And I left a few blank pages, you know, for future traps.

Daphne: ( mumbled: ) Good thinking.

Suddenly Scooby bursted into the room and held the doors shut, terrified and panting.

Fred: Scoob! what the matter?

Scooby then began trying to do charades to tell them about the gator people.

Daphne: He's trying to tell us something!

Fred: Tator people! Uh, crater people? Skater feeple!

Daphne: Gator people!

Scooby sighs in relief and nods his head. As the gator people started banging on the door, Scooby ran over to the bed onto Fred, knocking the night stand over with the lamp, breaking it. The Gator people got the door open, and Gig-meow-tic is seen out the windows of the room behind the two teens and the dog, she glared at them as they hissed, then the gator  people disappeared from the doorway.

Daphne: Quick on the bed!

Scooby and Fred jumped onto the bed, the femele gator person chased after Daphne.

Fred: No!!

Daphne jumped on the bed, into Fred's arms.

Daphne: Oh, Freddy.

Fred: My Scrapbook!

Fred drops Daphne and picks up his scrapbook as one came out from under the bed.

Daphne: Oh, Fred! This is it. There's no escape!

Fred: I've got-

Gig-meow-tic's paw bursts through the window and she pinned the two gator people with her paw, giving Fred, Daphne, and Scooby a chance to escape, which they did. The three ran out of the room.

Daphne: What is Gig-meow doing here?!

Fred: That doesn't matter right now! She gave us an escape. We'll go find her once we find Velma, Mer, and Shaggy.

( with Gig-meow-tic )

Gig-meow-tic was now looking for the gang from outside the building by looking at the windows, she then heard screaming and ran to the entrance of the hotel and saw the gang run out of the building and to the van. She meowed happily as she ran towards them as Scooby got behind the wheel like Fred told him and the rest of the gang began pushing the van. Shaggy then sees Gig-meow-tic running towards them, behind them.

Shaggy: Like, giant kitten at 12 o'clock!!

Gig-meow-tic then pushed the four teens on the top of the van and began pushing the van with her head, and she pushed it all the way out of Gatorsburg. They then saw that the gator people had stopped chasing them once they were out of the town. Gig-meow-tic arched her back and glared at the gator people with a low growl.

Velma: Look they're stopping.

The Gator people then left and went back to the town.

Fred: They weren't trying to eat us, they were just trying to get us out of town.

Daphne: Why? And what is Gig-meow doing all the way here?

Gig-meow-tic was staring at the gang with a cute smile on her face and she was purring.

Fred: I don't know but if we're gonna find Mer and solve this mystery, we're going to have to go back into Gatorsburg.

Shaggy & Scooby: Say what?

Shaggy: But, like why would they kidnap Mer? And like, how? She's Mer.

Fred: I don't know and I don't care. We are going to go back in, find Mer, and solve this mystery. And Gig-meow here is going to help us-

Gig-meow-tic then picked the gang up by their clothes and started carrying them back into town, Velma quickly noticed there was no sound in the giant kitten's footsteps while the rest of the gang were worried that the kitten might drop them.

Velma: Guys! She's not making any sound-

Gig-meow-tic then stopped walking, tossed the gang in the air, and she moved forward slightly to have them land safely on her back. She then happily went back to walking into Gatorsburg with the gang now riding on her back.

Fred: This is possibly the closest we've ever been to Gig-meow. Mer and the Sheriff are never going to believe this when we tell them.

Velma: Let's make the most of it then.

Velma then gently grabbed a single hair of the giant kitten's fur, pulled out a ziplock bag, and puts the fur hair in the ziplock bag. Gig-meow-tic didn't seem to have noticed this. Daphne then noticed something under the kitten's fur, she moved the fur and saw two slightly glowing words on the kitten's skin " Fénix gato ". The giant kitten didn't notice this as she was looking around for any signs of the gator people.

Daphne: Guys, check this out.

The gang looked at what Daphne discovered.

Velma: " Fénix gato ", that's spanish for " Phoenix Cat ". Uh, I think my mom has something about this.

Gig-meow-tic then sees something and began walking faster, still not making a sound.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think the clue the gang found on Gig-meow-tic might mean.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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