chapter 1

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on a sunny afternoon jiyeon who was walking to her school like she always do suddenly got snatched and got grag into an alley where no one is around by some rundom guy in the city, but instead of shouting and asking for help jiyeon bravely fight back with the snatcher and begging not to get her bag because inside of it is important to her (basically her things for school like laptop, notebooks, wallet, ids and phone) but as the snatcher got her knife on his pocket jiyeon suddenly taken aback but still didn't released her hands on her bag.

"hey, jerk" says the girl who was walking towards them.

a sharp but sparkling brown eyes, straight shinny hair, perfect side profile wearing a white button up shirt with denim jeans as jiyeon describe her.

the girl then grab the snatcher's left hand where he holds the knife and as the knife dropped to the ground she then kick the snatcher and as if he fly towards the wall.

at the shocking scene the snatcher run away cowardly and on the other hand jiyeon is speechless and shocked about what just happened

as hyunjung saw the smaller girl just standing there, shock, she picked up the bag which is on the ground and handed it to the still in shock girl and then walked away, didn't want bother to ask or say anything.

but before she can even take three steps away the brown hair girl grabbed her wrist which made her turn around.

"jogiyeo, thank you" jiyeon said as she let go of the hand hyunjung's wrist.

this is not the first time hyunjung helping someone, so to her this is not something new so as the smaller girl let go of the hand of her wrist she immediately walked away as if nothing happened.

(and she hates people thanking her, she's just tired of it)


*jiyeon just arrived in her classroom

"hey, what happened why are you late" sojung said whisperly trying not catch the prof.'s attention "ahhh, i don't know there's some jerk who attempted to snatch my bag" jiyeon replied "but don't worry there was an not so well mannered angel who helped me" jiyeon added.

hyunjung who is excitedly opening an envelope for her last mission before she will become a complete human "what!?? the girl earlier??" confused hyunjung said.

"why did you already met her?" soobin asked.

"yes some jerk earlier tried to snatch this person" hyunjung said as she sat down on the couch and throw the envelope to the table infront her.

"then it's great" soobin said as she also sat down next to hyunjung.

"what's so great about it" hyunjung annoyingly replied.

"just imagine you already saved her even before you knew she was your master isn't that fate"

"fate my ass" hyunjung said as she closed her eyes to take a rest.

"yah!, you need to give your best this time it's your last mission if you failed to protect her you need to wait again for your next master, you know that right?"

" i know" hyujung hyunjung said tiredly replied.

"right away?" hyunjung said as she stand up and took her large pocket woolen coat.

"she in danger?" soobin asked hyunjung and nodded, "i am also going i am gonna have a date with my boyfriend".

"arasseo" hyungjung replied as she get in her dark red Mazda MX-5 car.

Rich rich rich

"hey sojung-ah i am going first i need to stop a the mall and buy something"
jiyeon shouted as get out of the university building sojung then replied "ohhh, okay"

jiyeon was waiting for the green light stop so she can cross the busy city road and as the light turns green she then take few steps but then suddenly a motorcycle speed up that nearly killed her, her heart pounding so fast.

After few seconds she realized she was in someone's arm, she looked up and it was the not well mannered girl she met earlier this afternoon.

"yahh! are crazy how can you carelessly cross a road" hyunjung shouting (but more like scold i think)
at the shocked girl infront of her, she then release her arms around the smaller girl's body.

as jiyeon got her senses back she thanked the woman who she just barely know but saved her twice already "thank you" and as the saw the taller girl almost walk away again, she immediately ask "jo-jogiyeo, what's name? earlier this afternoon i didn't have the opportunity to thanked you" looking at the taller girl and wishing she won't walk away again

"hyunjung, kim hyunjung" hyunjung coldly replied.

"gamsahabnida hyeonjeong-sshi" jiyeon said but hyunjung just leave again without saying anything, she also made sure jiyeon wasn't hurt.

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