chapter 6

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after they arrived at hyunjung's place hyunjung help jiyeon with her things to bring it to her room and while jiyeon was unpacking her things in her room, hyunjung suddenly popped out of nowhere and that made the small girl surprise.

jiyeon who was breathing heavily due to shock "jogiyeo? do you often do that teleportation thing??" jiyeon curiously asked the black hair girl who is standing few steps away from her.

"i do not, it's just that, your room is lock" hyunjung pointing at the door behind her "and i was calling you for awhile already and i was just jsut wondering of something happened to you" hyunjung replied while look at jiyeon who was hold her earphones on her hand.

"ahh sorry i was listening to music" jiyeon trying to say that listening to music while cleaning works well "you know for me to focus on unpacking my things".

"get down here first and have dinner" hyunjung then walked out the room. and jiyeon cutiely followed hyunjung downstairs.

jiyeon is shock at what her eyes is seeing right now "wow daebak!!" it was a banch of foods on the table

"it was my first time cooking for someone so i don't know what you want to eat so i cook alot of dishes" it's true hyunjung never cooked for someone before "but don't think i it did it because of you it just i want to eat alot of different dishes tonight" hyunjung reasoned.

both of them sat down in the long dinning table and as always jiyeon keep asking questions for hyunjung about what does it feel to live for almost 1000 years, how does it feels to have powers, how does it feels to be rich, do you have family something anyting jiyeon could to ask hyunjung but none of those answered hyunjung.

"jogiyeo i hate it when people asking for my personal life" hyunjung coldly said jiyeon then apologize politely  and bowed her hand "sorry".

"finished up eating and washed up after" hyunjung replied as she stand up to wash the dishes "what time is your class tomorrow?" she added.

jiyeon replied "ahh 8:30" hyunjung just finished washing the dishes and just went straight up to her room.

it's already morning 5:40 am strangely jiyeon woke up earlier than she thought maybe because it's just she is not used to the her new bed so her body didn't cooperate, she then walked to the balcony where a very nice beach view and fresh air but as she looked down she saw the long black hair girl sitting in a sunlounger
beside the pool reading a book with a bathrobe brown, "it's such a beautiful view" jiyeon thoughts, she excitedly went down.

"what are you reading?" jiyeon asked, her head next to hyunjung who was standing next to the pool with a book in her hand, suddenly hyunjung turned her head as she hears a voice behind her now they were facing each other so near that their nose almost touching with that jiyeon immediately react by shock and moved backward but unluckyly they were near the pool so one step backwards will make you fall into the 5th feet pool.

after jiyeon realize she's going to fall she grabbed the collar of hyunjung's bathrobe, expecting to get back into her position but it worsen hyunjung got bring down with her into falling, hyunjung who couldn't think of anything didn't have a chance to use her powers (like stoping the time) but the only thing she was thinking at the moment was saving the book into falling with them, she then throw the book into the ground as both of them fall.

and as jiyeon's gruadian it's still hyunjung's role to protect jiyeon so she lifted the small girl so she won't drowned.

"yah!!!!! are you crazy" hyunjung shouted at the small girl she is still lifting with her hands on the small girl waist "sorry" jiyeon politely apologize as she couldn't look at the angry girl infront her.

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